Chapter 31: From the Dead

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"Candra, stop!"

I was hurrying down the hall to my room, trying to outrun my guards in case one of them wanted to finish the job. I didn't know who I could trust, and I didn't want to stay in the dining hall a moment longer to find out.

But the sound of Decimus' voice echoing off the walls stopped me in my tracks. I couldn't ignore his command, no matter how much I wanted to; he was the Prince, after all.

"Candra..." He grabbed my wrist to spin me around. I looked at him with blurry vision, only just realizing that I had been crying. Over his shoulder, my guard detail kept a comfortable distance as they caught their breath. Decimus put a hand under my chin to turn my attention back to him. "You can't just run off like that. It's not safe."

I pulled away, annoyed by his remark. "It's not safe?! What gave you THAT impression?! Could it be the assassin on the rooftops, or perhaps the assassin serving me potato soup?!"

"You're upset. I understand-"

"No, you don't understand. I went from complete solitude and safety to mass exposure and a death sentence all in a day! I thought I was done fighting for my life because I thought it was over, but now I have to save myself all over again!"

"You have every right to be mad."

"TWICE, DECIMUS! I was almost killed twice in one day!

"I know-"

"How did that man get in the palace?! Why was he a servant?!"

"I don't know the details-"

"Was he new to your employment?"

"I wouldn't know."

I frowned in hysteric disbelief. "Because you choose not to know! He could have been your servant for years, feeding you dinner and cleaning your house without you ever once taking the time to look at him or learn his name! That stranger could have killed me!"

He held his head in shame. "I'll ask the head of the dining room for further information."

"If you can even figure out which man that is." I laughed bitterly.


"Did your father have something to do with this?"

"No! You heard what he said... our marriage is a good political move and-"

"Revenge trumps politics every time! Just because he said we can marry, it doesn't mean he'll actually let it happen. If he can kill me without putting the blood on his own hands-"

"Don't say that, Candra!"

"At this point, I have to consider everything! By making me your fiancée again, he has earned the good will of the people. But as your wife?! What else can I possibly bring to this marriage?! No, he's too smart to let that happen. He'll capitalize on our engagement, but then turn me into a martyr! If he can pretend that it was a Galacian assassin that killed me, the people won't lose their support for them. They may even fight back harder!"

"That's not true, Candra! You're just weaving tangled conspiracies-"

"That's why he wants to keep Emrys around!" I was getting desperate, waving my hands around in an attempt to make sure he saw things my way; hoping that he would agree. "You'll marry her after I'm gone! Not only does the Emperor get to turn The Miracle of Romallia into a martyr for his cause, but he'll also have the power, supplies, men and money he needs from Nevarus to take his brother down for good!"

"You're grasping at theories... you have no proof!"


"This isn't my father's doing."

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