Chapter 52: The Harsh Truth

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The Empress summoned me to the library. Even though saying goodbye to all of my friends put me in a foul mood, I was in no position to refuse her.

I walk in with my head held high, not wanting to expose how much I wanted to blame the Empress for putting my relationship with Arrian in such an impossible situation. I knew that it wasn't really her fault, especially since he belonged to her long before he belonged to me, but it just felt better to have another person to blame aside from Maximus. I had too much hatred to aim at just one person, and I didn't want the second target to be me.

The Empress was sitting on the sofa with her hands folded in her lap. She looked composed and nervous all at once.

"Please have a seat, Candra."

I continue to stand by the door, worried that I was walking into a trap. Arlo steps into the room ahead of me to do a quick sweep.

"I have something important to tell you, but it's for your ears only." She waits for Arlo to politely leave like any good palace guard would do, but Arlo has never been one to follow the rules.

"Anything you need to say to me will have to be said in front of Arlo. He's not going anywhere."

To prove my statement, Arlo closes the door with him still inside the room. He stands against it so he can have the best view of the space.

The Empress is about to fight us on this, but I put my hand up to silence her. "Talk or we walk."

She looks annoyed that this scenario hadn't been going her way so far, but clearly whatever she needed to tell me was urgent enough to push past it.

"I know what you did for my Arrian..." She looks up at me to gage my reaction, but I remain stone-faced. She continues, "I don't know how I'm ever going to repay you."

"I didn't do it for you." I state flatly.

"Of course; I'm not blind to your attachment to him. Nevertheless, I'm still grateful." She rearranges herself divertingly. "And to prove it, I think it's about time that I tell you my story."

I glare at her with confusion.

"If you recall, I once told you a story in this very same room."

"Why do you want to tell me your story?"

"I need to be honest with you."

"Because I saved Arrian? Trust me, there are better ways to repay the deed."

I turn to walk away, but Aryanna was persistent.

"Then let me tell you for Arrian's sake."

Arlo and I exchange a look. Suddenly curious, I turn back around with my full attention. "Why would he care?"

"Before he was taken by my husband for-... conditioning..., he asked me to tell you the truth."

"So he wants me to know your story?"

She nodded slowly, and then gestures for me to take the seat across from her. "And I want you to know it too."

With a heavy sigh, I stomp over to the armchair and drop myself down with my arms crossed over my chest.

She offers me a weak smile, relieved that I haven't opted to leave the room.

"I've had a great deal of time to think this over, to decide where would be the best place to start. It wasn't until you lost the love of your life that I decided..."

"I haven't lost him. We've just said goodbye."

"That's how all great love stories fall... we say goodbye one too many times, and then we lose them forever. I should know; it's happened to me twice."

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