Chapter 8: To Those About to Die

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Night had fallen sooner than anticipated, leaving us all in a melancholy state as we contemplated the following morning. Not all of us were set to fight, but we were still on edge for our fellow gladiators. Evander and our Doctore would be the first the fight. And to be set against wild animals was no easy task, especially without the proper training. Evander would be at a disadvantage. I had to hope that the scruffy man would assist him, despite his aversion for my friend.

"Have you ever fought with animals in the arena before?"

The scruffy man shoveled heaps of bean sludge into his mouth before crunching into his roll of fresh bread. Considering the circumstances, I was surprised to find adequate food on our plates. It was probably made from leftovers in the palace, but it was better than the stale, rotting, or tasteless rubbish Tiberius provided. The scruffy man was certainly enjoying himself, but I was sure he missed his daily apple.

Or maybe that was just me.

He grumbled through bites.

"So you know what to expect. You can keep an eye on Evander."

He tossed his empty plate aside, grabbing his cup of water to wash it all down. When he finally came up for air, he stated, "I meant what I said before, back when he stabbed me during our fight. I wanted to kill him, Candra, and I still do. For your sake, I'll do my best to help him out. But if he dies, I won't be sorry about it."

I slammed my plate down, causing food to jump away and make a mess. The others were too preoccupied in their conversation to notice, but I paused for a moment just in case.

I was tired of dancing around this issue. I needed to hear it from his lips; I needed to know how he felt.

Whispering, I asked, "What's your problem with him anyways?! It's obvious that you don't like him, but you haven't exactly stated why."

"You know why..." He hissed.

"No, I can't say I do. Not for sure, anyways. You're always jerking me around, confusing the hell out of me! You don't hate me, but you don't exactly like me either-"


"You hate Evander because he wants me, but why?! Why should that bother you?!"

"It's complicated-"

"One minute you're beating the shit out of me, or you're holding a knife to my gut-"

"You had one at my throat-"

"Or you're tossing me over the cliff-"

"If anyone else did it, you wouldn't have made it-"

"But then you say shit like that! You're always trying to save me, and then in your chambers you kissed me."

He put his palms to his forehead in frustration.

"Why are you here for me? Why do you hate Evander? Why did you kiss me?"

"You know why..." He repeated through gritted teeth.

"I want to hear you say it."

It was time for him to fight back. He threw his arms down at his sides, trying his best to control his anger. He glared at me with such intensity I shuffled away slightly. In hushed tones, he attacked, "You want me to say it?! What about you?! If anyone is jerking the other around, it's you! You've done everything in your power to trap me, but then keep me at a safe distance for the sake of your mission. And just when I think your about to change your mind, you run back to him." He aggressively juts his head in Evander's direction. "You've got us both fixed into your plan, knowing that we'll follow you no matter what. But whatever this is..." He pointed between the two of us, "... this weird, twisted relationship we have, it won't matter for much longer anyways. Our time is almost up. I'll help you get your brother back because I owe you at least that much for getting you into this gladiator mess with Tiberius, but that's where this all ends. You'll go your way and I'll go mine. And that kiss? It was just a mistake. So forget about it. It meant nothing."

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