Chapter 54: The Night Before

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Arlo and I find Maximus alone in his study, looking anxious as he reads a recently received letter. He drops his hand from massaging his forehead once he notices my intrusion, covering the letter with some other parchment. He puts on his signature smug smile, although this time I can tell that his heart isn't in it; he's still shaken by the letter.

"What can I do for you, Candra? Have any more friends or lovers that need tormenting?"

"I want to know why..."

"I don't follow."

"Why didn't you tell me that Decimus was my brother?"

He pauses for a moment, surveying the situation. He finally stands and moves towards the drink cart to fill his goblet. "I take it my wife finally told you."

I nod. "I can only conclude that you killed my father eight years ago when you found out. His beheading had nothing to do with betrayal-"

"I wouldn't say that; he still betrayed me by keeping it a secret. She's my wife, after all."

"Technically she was still my father's wife."

He smiled smugly as he lifted his goblet in triumph, "Until death do they part..."

I wanted to run him through with one of Arlo's daggers, but I restrained myself. "So you pretend that my father was working with the Galacians so the people would want him dead."

"One of my best ideas, wouldn't you say?"

I ignore his jab, steering the conversation back to the Prince to keep my need for revenge in check. "So when I revealed myself in the arena earlier this year, and then your son decided to make me his fiancée again, why didn't you just use our family connection to put an end to it all? You've made it quite clear that you don't want me marrying Decimus. So why not tell the people who I am?"

"Not only did they give you that ridiculous label, The Miracle of Romallia, but then they would somehow use your blood connection to the Empress and Decimus to secure you're place in the palace forever! They would call it fate! Even though you would only have a bastard's claim to the throne, as insignificant as it is being the child of the parent not born into royalty but rather married into it, you would still have a claim nonetheless."

"And so would Marcus..."

"Now you understand why I wanted the two of you dead eight years ago." He takes another swig of his wine. "So you see, revealing your parentage wouldn't do me any good."

"Not to mention that the people would start to question my father's death."

"Exactly... so the best thing for me to do is to take advantage of your current popularity and make you a martyr for your people."

"Which is why your attacks on my life have been credited to the Galacians?" I ask rhetorically.

But he looks at me with pleasant surprise, responding, "You still think that I had something to do with all of the assassination attempts?"

"Don't deny it. You're just making yourself look foolish."

"But if you believe that then you're the fool, Candra."

"After what you did to Arrian-"

"-should prove to you that I have more craft and flare than anyone who would send others to do their dirty work. Do you really think I would send an archer, a servant, a group of guards, or a band of fake Galacians to kill you? And to just push that girl over a balcony?! Please, give me a little credit."

I stare at him wide-eyed, beginning to believe that he was innocent of these crimes.

"You should know that I prefer to torture my prey before I kill them. I stole my brother's one true love and married her. I destroyed your father's reputation and ensured that his wife and children witnessed his shame. I forced your friends and loved ones to flee."

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