Chapter 58: Black Dawn

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One day I'm walking around in a white wedding gown, and the next day I'm dressed in mourning black.

Word spread throughout the Capitol that there was a Galacian attack on the palace during the night, but no one knew the outcome. Thousands of people gathered in the square to hear what their Emperor had to say. The Romallian people were about to find out that their crowned Prince was dead.

Arlo opened the door to the sitting room that led out to the balcony overlooking the square. I could already hear the people gathering below. Maximus and Aryanna hadn't arrived yet, so I sat on the couch and patiently waited. I closed my puffy eyes and counted to ten to steady my breathing and prepare myself for the coming storm. I would have to give a speech; to say something in honour of my recently deceased husband.

"Princess Candra?"

I opened my eyes to find Kilgorian standing in front of me. His eyes were red and puffy from crying all night, just like mine. He was trying to put on a brave face to hide his true feelings, but I'd already seen through the façade; he couldn't hide from me anymore.

"Yes, Kilgorian, what can I do for you?"

"It's what I can do for you that I want to discuss."

I nod knowingly. "You intend to keep your promise to Decimus."

"It was his dying wish."

"But you hate me."

"I don't hate you. I just..."

"Resent me..." I offer, "...because I'm the one that Decimus chose to love."

He doesn't respond verbally, but by the way he shifts and suddenly avoids my gaze, it was clear that I'd hit the mark; Kilgorian was in love with Decimus.

"Your secret is safe."

Kilgorian looked to Arlo with skepticism, not trusting my words.

"Neither one of us will tell a soul." I knew the consequences he would face if anyone found out; he would lose his place in the palace, he would be publically shunned by most people, and he would be subjected to both physical and emotionally abuse if the wrong people got their hands on him. I trusted Arlo to keep Kilgorian's secret, and I hoped in time Kilgorian would learn to trust us. "We take care of our own, Kilgorian. If you're going to keep your promise to Decimus to keep me safe, I promise to do the same for you. Your secret is a part of that, so we won't tell a soul."

He chuckles at my words, repeating them with dry skepticism, "We take care of our own..."

I drop my head in shame, knowing that he had every right to question my abilities. "Not well..." I admit solemnly, "But we do all we can in spite of the difficult circumstances. We will protect you."

"You have our word." Arlo grumbles with a nod.

Kilgorian seems to lighten with Arlo's assurance.

The double doors open once more. I stand to great the Emperor and Empress as they enter. Kilgorian shuffles to stand on my left side, one step behind, just as Arlo is standing on my right.

"My deepest condolences, your Grace." I bow my head as required to the Emperor, and then I do the same to the Empress. "Your Majesty."

"And to you, Princess." Aryanna offers without looking at me.

Maximus' face looks red with rage, but he represses his obvious desire to strangle me as he says, "I knew you would get my son killed."

I was prepared for this. I knew that Maximus would privately blame me for his son's death, even though it was organized by a Galacian intruder who had plans to eliminate the Prince long before I reappeared in the Capitol arena. Decimus' death was ultimately Maximus' fault for participating in a war with his brother, but that wasn't something the Emperor was about to own up to. It was just easier to blame me. He was about to tell the people that their future Emperor was lost to them; I didn't want to agitate him into saying anything more. I could set him straight later.

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