Chapter 35: Promises Kept

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I ran down the tunnels of the gladiator's chambers in search of Evander and the scruffy man, ignoring Arlo's demands for me to slow down. I checked the sleeping quarters, the bathing room, and the infirmary. By the way Tiberius was smiling, I knew they weren't outside training with the rest of the men. The last place they could be was in the back cells, isolated for punishment.

There were four rooms lining the wall. A heavy, windowless iron door was the only way in or out. I had obtained the key ring from Julius after I bolted from the sitting room to the sounds of Tiberius' laughter. As the Prince's fiancée, I didn't have to ask permission or explain myself to Julius; I just grabbed it while he was mid-bow.

With fumbling fingers, I pushed the key into the first door and threw it open.


I bolted to the second door and did the same. I cried out when the torchlight flooded into the room to reveal the scruffy man hanging by his wrists and covered in blood and bruises. The manacles around his wrists were clearly too tight, digging into his skin any time he tried to readjust, spilling a waterfall of red down his arms to dry before more dripped down. He could still stand if he wanted to, but his strength had long since perished, leaving him to swing from his arms. The scars he had obtained from the tiger in the tournament had been sliced open, and his chest and stomach showed signs of internal bleeding from numerous blows. By the looks of him, he had been chained up since the day they got back from the tournament. I had to assume that Evander looked just as battered and defeated in one of the other cells.

Tiberius couldn't punish me for embarrassing him, so he took it out on my friends.

I ran to the scruffy man's side, placing a careful hand on his neck in search of a pulse. It was faint, but still thumping. I ran my fingers across his face, taking in his familiar scruff and shaggy hair. He began to stir as I checked him over for irreparable damage.

"Scruffy..." I whispered, "Scruffy man. It's me... It's Candra. I've come for you, and I'm not going to let you go."

Arlo moved to his other side, bracing to catch the scruffy man once I released him from his shackles. I fumbled once more with the dozens of keys until one clicked. The shackles popped open and the scruffy man slumped into our arms.

I turned to Arlo. "Find Evander in one of the other cells. Tell him you're with me so he doesn't panic, and then help him down from his shackles."

I handed him the keys. Once I had a secure grip on the scruffy man, Arlo moved towards the door. He paused to demand, "Don't leave this room until I get back, got it?"

I rolled my eyes. "I can't very well leave until he regains the use of his footing."

Once Arlo was gone, I turned my attention back to the scruffy man. He began to stir again, so I gently tapped his face in hopes of waking him up.

"Hey! Wake up! Please, I need you to wake up for me..."

His eyelids began to flutter open. He tried to focus as he took in his surroundings. In the dim light from the torch in the hall, combined with my new royal appearance, I must have looked like a stranger. He pushed off my shoulders and tried to back away, but he stumbled. Once he regained his footing, he put his back against the wall and held up his hands in anticipation of an attack. Just before he could run out the open door, I called his attention back to me.

"I kept my promise, scruffy man..."

He stopped abruptly, turning away from the door.

I smiled. "I promised you I wouldn't die. Well... here I am."

He frowned with disbelief, looking me up and down. "Candra?"

I gave myself a once-over as well, taking in my typical public attire; a long purple gown with sleeves that touched my wrists and a neckline that hugged my throat snuggly. The only part of me that was remotely familiar was the blood smears that had transferred when I was holding the scruffy man.

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