CHAPTER 41 - Church Bells

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"La Familia Madrigal," you muttered, aware you weren't really a part of the family although they wanted to make you feel like it.

"Hey, Y/n," Malachi greeted. "Didn't spot you this morning, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, when have I not been fine?" you asked, smiling and deciding to ignore the fact that you were not fine most of the time. "Oh, also, I'm done for today so you can now take me on the tour?"

"Sorry, no, I actually have to go today. Abuela said we're going to an important dinner today so we have to take more time to get ready. This beauty doesn't come naturally you know," he ruffled his black hair.

You chuckled. "See you another time then, alright? I'll go find somewhere to help."

"Don't overwork yourself," reminded before waving slightly and walking the other way.

"Y/n!" Camilo called, coming out of an alley.

"Hey 'Milo," you smiled. His eyes widened at the nickname. "You alright? you seem shocked."

"Y- Yeah, everything's great," he stuttered before taking your arm. "C'mon now, we have to go."

"Go where?" you asked.

"A band's about to play on the square and I thought we could dance," he grinned, dragging you towards the square.

"Oh, alright," you smiled slightly, feeling a warm feeling spread through your body.

As you neared, the music got louder and Camilo slowed his step so you two could stop before reaching the square. "Can I have this dance?"

"But we're not there yet," you frowned.

"Well, I figured that we don't have to be the center of attention. You'd entrance them with your beauty so much that all the others would forget to dance. Can't take the joy from them, can we?"

You blushed a bit. "In that case, you may."

He took your hand and twirled you around before pulling you back to his arms. You laughed gleefully, a sparkle coming out of your hand and landing on his nose. He chuckled a bit before the music ended and he bowed to you, you curtseying back.

"Y/n, I was wondering if-" The church bells rang and he forgot what he was about to say. "Come on, we'll be late!"

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