(bruiseship, pirate AU) a sirens song

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PoV Captain Cole
I was standing at the front of my ship, the bruise, gazing into the storm that wasn't as far away as I would've wanted it to.

Suddenly I heard a call. It wasn't as rough as the voices of my men, but resistant against the loud wind.

I searched the waves to see where it came from, when the call turned into a song.

"Save and round, escape the sound. Turn the sailing bruise to me, I will lead to safety!", the voice sang.

I took control of the ship and told my men to follow the voice, but they couldn't hear it. They still followed my every orders, like the good crew they were.

I must be mad! We're sailing towards the storm!

"To the right and don't look left, only a few inches left!", the voice kept singing and suddenly the storm was quiet.

We had reached a safe spot! A giant cave!

I heard a soft giggle.

"I'll see if this leads out again!", I lied, got into a small boat we brought and disappeared into the darkness of the cave.

I stopped eventually.

"You're not very smart, are you?", the voice suddenly giggled next to me. I looked at the water.

Something was moving down there.

"Who are you? Show yourself!", I called out.

It just giggled again.

"I just want to thank you. You saved us from the storm.", I sighed.


Then loud laughter.

"Saved you?! Me? Oh dear, you misunderstood! Your crew is my family's dinner! Didn't your parents teach you not to follow a sirens song?", the voice called and suddenly my boat turned around and I fell into the cold water.

And suddenly I was gazing into blue siren eyes.

I managed to get my head out of the water.

"I'm Jay.", the siren said kindly, but I wasn't buying it anymore.

"Are you gonna eat me?", I asked angrily.

"Oh dear, no! I'm a vegetarian. But my brother's sure will.", Jay smiled nicely.

"Is there a way to not get eaten at all?", I choked on my words.

"Nope! You're gonna be a nice meal, you look so strong and...and attractive and-", the siren suddenly stopped.

"Please, I don't want to end up on a plate!",I started.

"You're cute. I'll keep you.", Jay decided. Then suddenly he shot forward and pressed his lips onto mine. It felt like all air was being pulled out of my lungs and it hurt like hell.

Next thing I remember was waking up on a stone, surrounded by sirens.

They were whispering stuff I didn't understand. I blinked.

"Leave my toy alone!", I heard someone call, then the sirens moved aside.

The siren from before, I suppose his name was Jay, grabbed my face and giggled.

I tried to kick him, but then I noticed my legs were gone! Instead a fish tail had grown.

I screamed in horror and threw myself off the stone. Jay let go of my face and screeched as I tried to move away from him.

"Oh, don't be ungrateful now, toy!", he huffed. I tried to breath, but it was impossible, so instead I started freaking out.

"What did you do to my legs and my glorious-", I checked if he was still there, but he wasn't. My glorious lady pleaser!

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