The Woods

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Your POV:
I was playing with Sally in the woods for hours when suddenly she disappeared. "Sally?" I called out as I looked around the woods for her. It was like she vanished off the face of the earth. I called out again and again but got no response what so ever, I sighed and gave up if anything she was back at the mansion or playing with Slender. I started to walk back to the mansion until I heard footsteps then froze. "Hello? Rake? Is that you?" I asked. I was close enough to the Rake that I wouldn't get killed. No answer though. I slowly kept walking until two arms snaked around my waist and pulled me close to whoever they belonged to. I yelped and elbowed whoever it was in the stomach as hard as I could. I heard the person grunt and turned around then laughed when I saw it was Toby. "Jerk." He said as he got up.

"That's what you get for scaring me like that!" I laughed.

"So you elbow me for trying to be romantic?"

"Since you're usually trying to have sex with me, excuse me for being surprised."

"That's not true."

"It's close enough to the truth."

He got closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist again. My eyes widened a bit when I felt the slight bulge in his pants. I glared at him then muttered, "I knew it."

"I can't help it, you're just so sexy." He kissed me softly and slowly at first but it got rougher and more passionate quickly. He started kissing my neck and attacking my sweet spot I moaned and he smirked into my neck. I didn't realize he had started taking off my clothes until I felt a breeze and shuddered. I pulled away and he looked at me in confusion, "What?" He asked in a husky voice.

"You're still fully clothed." I said as I pulled on his sweater.

He smirked and sighed then started undressing himself until we were both down to our underwear. He pinned me against a tree and started sucking on my neck as he played with my breasts, I moaned then lightly rubbed his still growing erection with my index finger. He grunted then took off my panties and his boxers then thrust into me making me moan louder, he thrust into me again and again while the knot in my stomach grew bigger and bigger. I was ready to burst at any time, "(Y-Y/n) I'm gonna-"

"Me too~"

The knot unraveled and I came all over his member seconds later he finished inside me. We were both panting as we stood there like that for a while, after we both calmed down we got dressed and walked around the forest for a bit and just talked. It was kinda nice.
GUYS! I'm thinking of doing a not so lemon one next, like just a normal date or something. Should I? I don't know. Let me know if I should in the comments!

Ticci Toby x Reader .:LEMON:.Where stories live. Discover now