Mission at the church

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Your POV:
I was sitting on the couch upside down with my eyes closed as I listened to music as Radio played with a chew toy. I started humming along when I felt Radio lick my face, "C'mon mama! Let's go play! It's snowy outside!" Radio said as she bounced around, her voice sounded like she was talking through an intercom.
"But it's so cold..." I whined.
We stared at each other.
"YAY!!" She started jumping.
Slender appeared in front of me just as I was standing up, "Shit! Fucking hell Slender!"
"Sorry. I have a mission for you." He handed me an envelope then teleported away. I read the papers inside the envelope and a grin slowly crossed my face.
Maybe Toby was right all that time ago...
Maybe I did enjoy this too much...
My target was a priest, an old man named Jonathan Mack. Apparently he runs a group for troubled youths and has been taking advantage of the children. I looked at Radio, "We got a job Radio!" I said sweetly then grabbed my katana, my mask, and my jacket then ran out into the woods.

When we got to the church I was grinning sinisterly under my mask, Radio decided to go do the job while I kept an eye out for anyone. I didn't mind this. She needed practice, I just liked hearing the screams. I waited a while until I heard the old man scream and then a muffled explosion. I smiled then gasped when something picked me up and threw me through the large stain glass window of the church. I bounced off the ground once then turned so I would land on my feet. "Mama!" Radio called as she ran up to me. "What's wrong? Did you get hurt?"
"I'm fine baby, it's ok." I said and scratched her behind her ear. I slowly walked to the door and opened it but nothing was there. It wasn't my imagination... I know it wasn't!
"(Y/n)..." I heard some one say, I froze. "Toby is waiting for you. You shouldn't keep him waiting. He's... Dying, to see you." The voice started laughing and my eyes went wide. "Radio!" I called and started running, she ran along side me and grew to a size that I could ride her. I jumped on her back and she started running as fast as she could.

When we got back to the mansion I burst through the doors, no one was there. "TOBY?!" I called, I called over and over again as I ran through the mansion but it was completely empty.
"No, no, no, no, no, no..." I gritted my teeth and punched the wall as hard as I could, "NO!!" Went upstairs and grabbed one of Toby's sweatshirts then put it in front of Radio's nose, she sniffed it then sniffed the air. I got on her back as she howled then took off in one direction. I'm coming Toby... Just hold on...

________________(time skip brought to you by Radio. She says "HI!!")_______________

She stopped in front of an old warehouse. I got off of her and she shrank down to normal size. "What is this place...?" I whispered.
"Building 2453, owned by Richard Balentine in the early 1920's. The site of drug deals and murders occasionally. Records say that it was abandoned when Richard died in 1965, but his followers still kept the business going." Radio said. I forgot she was a walking computer.
"Did they store anything here? You know, besides drugs?"
"They kept a steady supply of women and young girls. They sold them to various clients around the state. Their operations here were shut down in 1972."
"Great. Just lovely. Human trafficking and drugs. What a wonderful combination." We walked in quietly and stayed in the shadows. I saw a person dressed in red hooded robes standing in front of Toby who was tied up against the wall. The others were in a cage. Where's Slender...? I thought then jumped when I heard sizzling, the person had put a hot metal rod to Toby's stomach, Toby didn't react but instead looked bored. "Get the others out of here while I distract who ever that is. If you see a chance, get Toby out of here too. Of not get them home." I whispered and she nodded, I stood up from where I was crouching. "HEY!!" I yelled, the person turned around.
"Oh! You're here! Good! Good. Your little boyfriend here has been keeping me company, he's quite fun to play with! And he's so cute!" It was a woman. She took off her hood and I saw she had pale skin, long black hair and red eyes. She smirked at me then kissed Toby's cheek, he looked disgusted. I poker faced so she wouldn't get a rise out of me. "Hm... You're no fun... The least you could do is get upset. I thought you loved him."
I said nothing.
"Nothing? Maybe I was wrong... Did I get the wrong person? Oh! Are you in love with Jane? You two are close."
"Still nothing? God, say something! I can't stand boring toys!"
"Maybe..." She went to kiss Toby but i unsheathed my katana and had it by her throat in seconds. "There we go! Finally a reaction!" She turned around then twitched when she saw my face was expressionless. "Wait. So you do or you don't care?" She noticed everyone else was gone, "Hey! Those were my toys!" I pressed the blade against her throat. "Oh I get it. Now you're all serious. Just a few minutes ago you were scared out of your mind."
"Let him go."
"Why? He's the only toy I have left." I jumped back when I saw something shiny in her hand just before she could cut me. "My how quick you are! My name is Isabella, first daughter to King Zalgo and Princess of the underworld." She bowed then raised the black corrupted looking sword in her hand. "You were supposed to be fun. Instead you're boring. Let's see if you'll be fun when you can't move." She pointed her sword at me and I got in a fighting stance. I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing, I heard her lunge at me and twirled so she just missed me then blocked immediately when she swung her blade at my head, I ducked when she tried to kick my head and spun so my foot knocked her feet out from under her, she stayed quiet so I could only hear her frantic breathing. She lunged at me from behind but I twirled again to dodge and stabbed her through the back of her neck. I pulled my katana out then blocked when she tried to strike me directly from above. "No fair! You're cheating somehow! I know you are!" I opened my eyes and saw her run towards the door, "We aren't finished (Y/n)!" She ran and I waited a second then ran to Toby. I untied him then hugged him tightly. "That was pretty bad ass (Y/n)." He chuckled.
"If I had seen you like you were I would have let my emotions get the better of me. I did what I had to do." I kissed him then hugged him tightly again. "I love you."
"I love you too. Let's go home, this warehouse smells like rat shit."

Chapter 31 done! I never thought this book would make it this far honestly. Thank you guys!


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