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Long time no see huh? Im sorry i disappeared for a while, we were worried my dog had cancer. HES OK THO SO DONT WORRY.

Your POV:

Running. Screaming and running and fear and death. It surrounded me. I was in a place that was devoid of light. The screams of my friends echoed in my mind as i screamed, begging for it all to stop. Isabella...

I shot up screaming. I was sweating so much that the bed was drenched, Toby jumped when i screamed and sat up, "W-Whats wrong?" he sounded tired. Our room was dark so it must have still been late... I woke him up... I thought as i clutched the blanket.

"N-Nothing." i stuttered, "Just a bad dream. Im fine now." he sighed and used his thumb and forefinger to make me look at him. He kissed me, it was a loving reassuring kiss. One that filled the space that words could not. I smiled at him then stood from the bed, "W-Where are y-you going?" he asked.

"I gotta pee." i stretched and nearly moaned out those words. (We've all had that one really good stretch. Dont lie -3-)

"(Y/n)..." he whispered.

"Yes?" i looked back at him as i walked towards the door.

"You're g-going in the e-exact o-opposite direction i-i want you to g-go."

"Babe, i reeeeaaaalllly gotta piss. I'll be right back, i promise." i blew him a kiss then opened the door and bolted for the bathroom. It was a miracle that it was empty. I did my business then washed my hands, i froze when i saw myself in the mirror. My (h/l) (h/c) hair... It wasnt black and red anymore... My (s/c) skin... No longer pure white... I was the me that i didnt like. The one who was abused. I hugged myself and bit my lip then glared at my refelction. "Im stronger now. This (y/n) is stronger. She killed the old (y/n)." i growled then straightened myself and took a deep breath.
I walked back to our bedroom and shut the door behind me as i entered. I noticed Radio on her back asleep on the floor and giggled. "What did you wanna talk about?" i asked him as i sat on our bed.

"You." he replied as he moved over to me. He cupped my face and kissed me again, "You're beautiful. Confident. Brave. Incredible. Generous. Loving. Caring. Passionate. You can also kick some MAJOR ass." he kissed me everytime he listed something, the last thing made us both laugh. "I love you, you know that right?"

"I dunno..." i teased as i looked to the side. "Ever since i got back you've beeen paying a lot of attention to that new girl... What was her name...? Syl?"

"What makes you think that?"

"She was just all over you the other day, pressing her boobs against you." i didnt actually care because i knew that if i wanted to i could kill her, but it was still fun. "Is she your new girlfriend?"


"Just a simple question."

"You are my girlfriend. You belong to me and i belong to you." he moved down to my neck and gently bit my sweet spot, i easily held back my moan. He would have to try a lot harder than that.

"Oh come on, what was that? I thought you could do better." i sighed as i leaned back on my hands, "seems i was wrong..."

"You dont want to start this, (y/n)." he chuckled.

"Start what? I could barely feel that little "bite". Is that what youre talking about? Im not impressed."

"Im warning you..."

"Warning me? HAH! Thats funny. You aint gonna do shit." i tried to get up but he grabbed my arm and slammed ne back down to the bed, he pinned my wrists above my head with one of his hands.

Ticci Toby x Reader .:LEMON:.Where stories live. Discover now