Escape - part 1

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Re-read the entire story from the beginning and I'm ready to GET TO TO IT!!!


Your POV:
I spent probably hours testing what happened. Why did I feel that surge of power? Was Offender telling the truth? Did I have Toby's blood in my veins? Did Toby know? I walked up to the door and clenched and unclencnched my fists. Wondering if I could actually do what I was thinking, or if I would end up breaking my hand. Fuck it, what else do I have to lose? I punched the door with all my might, laughing triumphantly when I saw the huge dent I put in it. I didn't know how but I was happy it happened. I punched again and the door broke off the hinges, only attached by the locks. I ran down the hall and skidded to a halt when I got to the end. I could hear voices to the right; Offender's and someone else's. I couldn't tell who. How did he not hear me break down the door? I didn't care. I took a left and sprinted up the stairs, another door, but this one was unlocked. Looks like he didn't expect me to ever escape. I was outside. I knew this part of the woods. I was free... Home. My immediate thought was Toby. I sprinted off into the woods towards the mansion.

Ticci Toby x Reader .:LEMON:.Where stories live. Discover now