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Your POV:

I shot up in bed, panting and sweating as I clutched my heart. Terrified from a dream I couldn't remember. I pushed my hair back out of my face as my heartbeat finally went back to normal, I looked over at Toby and saw him sleeping soundly next to me. I quietly slipped out of bed and tip toed past Radio. I had been having nightmares that I couldn't remember for weeks now. I hugged myself as I walked up the stairs to the roof.

I must have fallen asleep on the roof, because when I woke up again I was on the couch in the living room. As I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes, the smell of bacon made me smile. I stood up and walked to the kitchen. No one was there... "Hello?" I called out as I cautiously walked to the stove, "Slendy? Anyone?" The stove nor the oven was on. The fuck is this shit? I thought to myself as I looked around. The mansion seemed different... Bad different. Something wrapped around my waist and lifted me into the air, I gasped and tried to free myself from whatever was holding me to no avail. I was turned around, it was too dark to see anything at first. Then I saw it. That signature smile of his. "Come on, doll. Don't look so scared. Its just me." Offender smirked.

"What the fuck do you want?" I spat as I tried to pry his tendril from my waist.

"We had a deal, (Y/n). You didn't hold up your end."

"Our 'deal' would have only been valid if I pricked my finger. Which I didn't. So fuck off."

"I always get what I want, doll. I don't make deals with just anyone. Here, we'll try again." He took out a rose and handed it to me.

"I said fuck off!" I spat in his face. "I promised Toby I wouldn't go anywhere near you ever again. I was stupid to even think binding myself to you was a good idea."

"Aw you're breakin' my heart over here." He brought me closer to his face, "I always get what I want, doll. And I will have you. Even if I have to take you."

"Slender won't let you. Neither will anyone else at the mansion. Why do you want me so bad? I'm human now."

"Because you're ancient. You would make a nice addition to my collection."

"THE FUCK YOU MEAN IM ANCIENT YOU OLD ASS BEAN POLE MOTHER FUCKER? IM NINETEEN!" I kicked him upside the head and he dropped me. I fell into darkness.

I shot up, frantically looking around as I clutched my chest. I was still on the roof. Was that a dream? That's what I've been dreaming about? How was Offender getting into my dreams? I suddenly felt very unsafe outside and ran back to bed. I jumped on Toby earning a small "oof" from him as I buried my face in his chest. "(Y-Y/n)? What's w-wrong? W-what t-time is i-it?" He asked groggily.

"Offender is getting in my head and he's in my dreams and he wants me because he says I'm ancient and I kicked him upside the head and called him an old ass bean pole mother fucker and I think he's coming after me." I replied quickly. Toby stared at me for a second, processing what I had just said.


I took a deep breath and explained, slower this time. He sat up and grabbed my shoulders. His expression was so serious I thought his face was going to crack.

"We have to get you out of here." He got out of bed and started getting dressed. Radio jumped on the bed and cuddled up next to me.

"Wait, Toby, what if this was just a dream? Do you really think he would be able to get into my dreams?"

"He's Slender's brother. Of course he would. Get dressed. I'm going to go tell Slender what's going on." He grabbed his hatchets and left our room.

"Mama, what's going on?" Radio asked as she yawned, resting her head in my lap.

"If Toby's right, very bad things, honey." I scratched behind her ear, "Don't worry though. I'm sure everything will be fine." I kissed her head as she rolled over in bed. I got up and got dressed.


Ticci Toby x Reader .:LEMON:.Where stories live. Discover now