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Your POV:

It had been months since Clockwork tried to kill me and Toby was getting depressed, whenever I tried to talk to him he wouldn't respond. I was starting to think he hated me. Since he was ignoring me I was spending more time with Jane and we were getting in to trouble more often. We were in Slenderman's office one night when he was yelling at us more than usual, we had sent three cherry bombs down all the sinks and toilets in the mansion. When he was finished he told us we were grounded for two months and that we weren't to leave our rooms. I sighed as I walked up the stairs when my phone went off. Jane texted me.

"He's such an ass... It was just a small prank! So what a few pipes blew up?" She wrote.

"I guess. I can see how he's mad though." I wrote back.

"Now you're siding with him?"

"No! I just know where he's coming from."

"Whatever, wanna hang out later?"

"We're confined to our rooms Jane."

"So? Live a little!"

"I did live a little and now I'm grounded for two moths."

"Don't be such a sore loser (y/n)"

"I'm not."

"Is that thing with Toby still bugging you?"

"Why do you say that?"

"You're not as pissed as you usually are when we get caught, and you seem distant."

"No i'm fine, promise."

"I'm still gonna worry -.-"


"Because you're my friend, and as much of a bitch I may be sometimes, i still care."

"Lol thanks."

"Just text him."

"He won't answer..."

"Doooo iiiiiiit."

"What's the point?"

"I will go all Shia Labeouf on you."

"You know he won't answer."


"Ugh fine."

I laughed a bit as i imagined Shia's voice when she texted that then texted Toby. Big surprise! He didn't answer. I waited a half an hour before Jane texted me, "Well?"


"That ass! I'll go talk to him."

"Jane don't just leave it alone."


I spammed her but got no reply. It hit midnight and i was starting to get worried, knowing Jane she probably went down to his room and yelled at him. I groaned into my pillow until my phone went off again, I flipped out a bit and almost dropped it but when i was sure it wouldn't fall i checked who it was and saw Toby had texted me. "Leave your door unlocked." Was all it said. When i slept in my room I locked my door because I didn't trust Jeff, when i slept with Toby I didn't lock it because I trusted him to protect me from any weird perverts.

It had gotten much later when i heard creaking around the mansion, I tried to ignore it but it got closer and louder. I pulled the blankets over my head until I heard my door open then i froze. I heard the door shut and whoever was in my room walk over to me. It had to be Toby. Right? Whoever it was pulled my blankets off, I almost screamed until i saw the ever familiar orange goggles. I took a deep breath then sat up, "Dammit you scared me!" I said. He put his goggles on my nightstand along with his mouthguard then quietly apologized.

"That's the most you've said to me in over a month." I laughed nervously.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologize. You and Clockwork were close weren't you?"

"Yeah... Until a few days before I found you."

"I'm sorry Toby..."

"Not your fault." He sat on my bed and leaned in so he was an inch away from me. He kissed me and i gladly kissed back, he pushed me back on the bed so he was on top and straddled me i wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as the kiss got hungrier. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and i gave it to him in which he growled and played with my tongue until i started moaning into the kiss. Once he was satisfied with my moans he broke the kiss and went after my neck, since he already knew where my sweet spot was he went after it without mercy. I moaned and he suddenly stopped, "What is it?" I asked. He jumped off me and hid under the bed just in time to avoid Masky seeing him. "Slender sent me to check on you, you all right? You're face is all red." I nodded quickly and smiled awkwardly. He walked over to me and sat on my bed, "You know... Toby is really lucky to have you..." He said as he stroked my hair. "Maybe I could get just a little taste...?" He pulled his mask up so his mouth was showing then pinned me to the bed.

"MASKY?! GET OFF ME!!" I yelled and tried to get out from under him. He froze and I saw Toby was holding a hatchet at the back of Masky's head.

"So you were here all along huh Toby?"

Toby just glared at him and tapped the back of Masky's head with the hatchet.

"Alright I get it." He kissed me quickly then ran out of the room and shut the door.

I sat up and tried to get his germs off me. (Sorry Masky, love you <3) Toby grabbed my wrists and leaned in to kiss me. The kiss was gentle, more gentle than normal but I liked it. He slowly let go of my wrists and started to undress me just as I undressed him. We only broke the kiss to get his sweatshirt over his head and my tank top off. He gently pushed me back onto the bed and slid one of his hands down to my core which was now soaked, his hand slid into my panties and he slowly started to finger me. I moaned quietly and gripped at his hair hoping to get him to go faster, I bucked my hips and he smirked at me. "We're going slow today (y/n). Just bear with it." He said as he bit my earlobe. He added another digit and then another but was still going painfully slow. I whined a bit and he pulled down his boxers along with my panties. He trusted into me even slower than he fingered me, I whined again and dug my nails into his back. He started to bite and assault my neck then whispered, "Deal with it because I'm not going any faster." In a very husky voice into the crook of my neck. "Toby~ Please?~" I moaned and bucked my hips again. I got him to slowly go faster seemingly without him knowing. Eventually I felt the knot build up in my abdomen, it got tighter and tighter with each thrust until it unraveled and I came. Toby thrusted a few more times before he came as well then pulled out of me and kissed me sliding his tongue in to play with mine. "That was punishment for the water pipes I have to fix." He said then pulled the covers over us and pulled me close to him.
"Sorry..." I said and snuggled close to him then fell asleep.


ANOTHER CHAPTER DONE MAH LOVELIES! This one was rather long but hey at least you got what I promised. ANYWAY! Sorry for this taking so long, I've been... Preoccupied... But it's here now so no worries!
Thanks you guys!!

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