What the fuck is happening?

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Your POV:

I woke up but I was... Home? I shot up in bed and panicked as i looked around my room. I heard yelling from downstairs, i was back... I was normal. I was... TOBY! I ran to my window and leaned so far out that i nearly lost my grip. What day was it? I met Toby August 8th. What year was it? Shit. I repeated as many curse words as i could as i searched for a calendar, or my phone, something! It was all gone. "No, no, no, no, no!" i paced my room then gasped when i heard him stomping up the stairs. Him. He was dead... Right? Radio! Where was my baby?! He slammed my door open and grabbed my neck, "What the hell are you doing up here?! Youre suppised to be asleep!" he spat. The scent of alcohol so thick on his breath it made me want to throw up. I was scared, i remembered this. I knew what he was going to do next. Trembling under his grasp i closed my eyes and waited for it. Then i froze. I shouldnt be scared of him, hes a ghost, none of this is real. It all has to be some crazy dream, right? I stared back at him then pressed my thumbs into his eyes. He screamed and let go of me, i retreated out my window and ran into the woods.

I called for Radio, more and more of this was becoming familiar. I stopped running and looked around. This was when i met Toby. For a different reason, i ran into the woods and stumbled on the mansion, then Toby found me hiding in the walls. I had to get to Toby. He had to know what was going on.

Finding the mansion was easy enough. I memorized the way to it already anyway. I ran inside and tried to follow my footsepts, i hid in the same spot and waited. I felt something cold gently drag across my neck "W-What are y-y-you doing here?" Toby asked. I spun around and he seemed as astonished as i was. Out of instinct I hugged him, so tightly i was worried id break something. I was surprised when he hugged me back. "(Y/N) h-how did you...?" he whispered but i cut him off with a kiss. I was so afraid that it was all a dream, that Toby wasnt real after all, or that he wouldnt remember me. He pushed me up against the wall and deepened the kiss then stopped. "I thought she wiped your memory." he growled.

"Who?" i asked, looking into his honey brown eyes.

"Isabella. I thought... You disappeared and i didnt know where you were. But then we got a letter from her."

"She brought my step dad back... Can she do that? I mean i thought that was impossible."

"Not impossible, just very difficult." he put his forehead to mine, "I thought i lost you."

" i thought i lost you too. Wheres Radio?"

"Shes tied up out back. It was the only way to keep her here, she kept running off to find you. We were worried that you wouldnt remember her so we didnt want to scare you."

"Thank you." i kissed him again, running my fingers through his hair, then broke the kiss and ran out back. There she was! I ran to her and took off the many, MANY chains that bound her. She tackled me as she licked my face, "MAMA! Youre back! I thought you were gone!" she said happily. I hugged her tightly and buried my face in her black fur. It wasnt a dream... Toby is real. Radio is real. My world wasnt fake. We walked back inside and I saw Jane in the kitchen, "Toby do we have anymore whiskey? I want to drown my sorrows in alcoholism." she said as she rummaged through the cabinets. I cleared my throat making her look at me, she froze then squealed and tackled me. "When did you get back?! I swear to God (Y/N) if you ever disappear like that again i will kill you." she hugged me tightly and punched my shoulder.

"Get off me!" i laughed, "Youre crushing me. Im so delicate and fragile."

"You fell off a cliff."

"I only survived because of Warren."

"Mmmmhm. You look... Nice?"

"Remember? This is how I used to look. Im 100% human again. I suppose Isabella knows how to do that too."

"Everyone but us left to go look for you. Where were you?"

"Back home. With my douchey step dad. Who i thought was dead."

"Hes alive?!"


"Well... Shit..."

"Yep. Shit indeed." I yawned. I wasnt tired, why would i be yawning?

"Come o-on, lets get y-y-you to bed." Toby grunted as he picked me up. He carried me upstairs and gently placed me down on our bed. "He took his goggles off along with his hatchets and shoes then climbed in bed with me. "Toby, Im not tired." I said as he pulled me close to his chest.

"I-I know. Youve b-been gone so l-long. I just..." he whispered.

"How long was I gone?"

"T-Two m-months."

"Are you shitting me?! Thats impossible. I went to sleep in this bed and i woke up in my old bed just a little bit ago."

"That m-may be how i-it felt b-but you were g-gone for t-two months."

"Jesus... What did that bitch do to me...?"

"Look at me." i looked up at him and he kissed me deeply, it did feel like it had been forever since we had kissed. "No matter what she did, i love you. You are you. Those beautiful (e/c) eyes are yours. Now that youre back everything will be fine." i believed him. He didnt stutter when he was serious. Like DEAD serious. I buried my face in his chest and closed my eyes, i fell alseep listening to his heart beat.


Its kinda short i guess but here you go, i know its a bit late but i promised so.. Have fun with that. Ill post maybe tomorrow or wednesday.


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