The Game

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Your POV:

I was in Slender's office nearly exploding with joy.
He had just declared me an official proxy!
I I had to use every bit of willpower to keep myself from jumping up and down with joy. When I was dismissed, as soon as the door closed, I shrieked with joy and flailed a bit. I skipped down the hallway and ran into Sally, "Hey (y/n)! Wanna play hide and go seek with us?" She asked excitedly.

"Sure why not?" I said not really thinking about who "us" was.

She led me downstairs and then explained things a bit, "OK everyone else is already hiding so you have to act fast, Toby and I are seekers! Go!!" I took off down the hallway and opened a secret passage in the wall, I hid right behind the door and stopped breathing every time I heard footsteps. This was where I first met Toby, accidentally of course. I had snuck into the mansion because of a dare and he helped me get out safely, as I remembered I didn't notice Toby had found me. "Found you~" he said then kissed me quickly and ran off. I grunted then followed him.
Remember children; Revenge is bittersweet.
When I caught up to him I tackled him and kissed his nose then took off down the hallway only to find Sally, I smirked and asked her, "Hey Sal! Need help finding people?"

"Sure!" She said as Toby came running down the hallway, when he saw Sally he glared at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Come on then!" I grabbed Sally's hand and skipped into the living room.

"Let's see... Jeff is playing right?"

She nodded.

"He would hide in plain sight.... Here?" I looked under the couch and smiled when I saw him.

"Fuck no fair!" He said as he crawled out from under the couch, "(Y/n) knows EVERY hiding spot!"

"Too bad so sad you lost." I teased.

He glared at me as did Toby, it seemed Toby didn't appreciate me using Sally as a shield so he couldn't do anything. "Now to find the others..." I said ignoring his glare.

~~~___~~~___~~~MAGICAL TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY PEDO BEAR~~~___~~~___~~~

After I had helped Sally find everyone Toby grabbed my hand and I sighed when I saw he was still glaring at me, "Oh come on babe it was just a game." I said and tried to get away but he tackled me to the ground. "T-Toby?" (Calm yo selves my lemon lovers, don't get your hopes up) he tickled me until I couldn't breathe and then some more, no matter how many times I hit him he kept going. By the time I was blue he seemed satisfied and got off me then helped me up, "That's what you get for using Sally as a shield." He kissed my neck, "That's just because I can." He smirked and walked away leaving me blushing and holding my neck in the middle of the living room. 'By the way I'm a proxy now...' I thought then sighed. If he found out he would shit bricks...


Yeah I know, no lemon this time. But hey every relationship has its cute moments. I thought this was adorable so dealz. By the way THANK YOU FOR THE OVER 800 READS!!

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