New Name (Part Two)

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Your POV:
I was told who everyone was and I was told not to take my mask off. The tall man... Slender, I think the others called him, got quite a bit of shit from the others about me. I don't know who I was but apparently I was important to them. I haven't changed that much right? I'm still whoever I was. Right?

Toby's POV:
What the actual fuck?! How could Slender do this to me?! To (y/n)?! He had no right to mess with her! So what she went to see her family? So what her family knows what she is? That heartless bitch!! Jane followed me after I left and tried to calm me down but I couldn't I started smashing things which I'm not too proud of. Blackwish, huh? She's still (y/n)... I'll just have to make her mine all over again. I just hope she hasn't changed much. It was already a pain in the ass to get her to fall for me the first time because she's so damn stubborn...

Jane's POV:
Poor Toby... He's crushed. What Slender did was messed up to all of us not just them, we all loved (y/n) even though she was a pain sometimes but not as much of a pain as Ben or Jeff is. I hope "Blackwish" isn't any different than she was but who knows what Smile did to her brain. I want my best friend back...

Your POV:
That guy Toby. He was the one in the brown sweatshirt. He was the one that caused me pain when he looked at me and ran. Why does it hurt that he won't talk to me? He barely even looks at me and when he does he looks away as soon as I look at him. Jane looks so sad when she looks at me and is often comforting him. I'm starting to think they're a thing which causes me more pain. I walked up to Toby one day and tapped his shoulder, "Hey..." I said, he turned and looked at me but stayed silent. "So... Um... I was wondering... A-Are you and Jane dating?" He chuckled then pushed me against the wall. "W-What're you doing?" He took off my mask and put his forehead to mine.
"If you understood you wouldn't ask such idiotic questions..." He said.

"Then help me understand."

"I can't." He started to walk away.

"H-Hey! My mask!"

"I'll be keeping this. Come talk to me after you go see Jane. Oh, and we aren't dating. I'm in love with someone already."

As I stood there I put my goggles on at least so maybe Slender wouldn't get too mad, why did he want me to talk to Jane?

I looked for her all over the mansion but she wasn't there. I asked Sally and she said Jane was in the treehouse and told me where it was. I climbed up and saw Jane curled up in a corner, "Jane?" I asked and she looked at me with surprise.
"What are you doing up here?" She asked.

"Toby told me to talk to you." I sat next to her. "So what's up?"

"Do you have any memory from before?"

"A little... I remember a guy... We were dating but he's all fuzzy and I can't make out who he is. I remember us, we were best friends... Right?" She hugged me tightly and didn't let go.

"I know who that guy was... But he doesn't want me to tell you."

We sat and talked for a bit and she told me everything that happened before. Bits of my memory came back but nothing about that guy, it was like I wasn't supposed to remember him. We walked back and I saw Toby sitting with one of the new Proxy's, she looked so happy that they were talking but honestly he looked bored as shit. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder earning a glare from her, he looked at me then stood up and grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room. He shut the door and looked at me. "What do you know after talking to Jane?" He asked.

"I know she was my best friend, and I know everything else except one thing."

"What is it?"

"I was dating a guy but he's all fuzzy and I can't tell who it is..."

"Alright then..." He sighed and started pacing. "Meet me at the field tomorrow first thing, I wanna show you something." He gently stroked my cheek.

He left and again left me standing there, I gently touched my cheek then blushed. "I love you..." I whispered then left the mansion avoiding everyone's eyes. I went to the tree house and sat there thinking.


Alright Part Two done! Thank you my lovelies!


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