New Name

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Alright guys so I'm feeling like making you steam punkish because:

1. I'm really into steam punk

2. Steam punk is fucking awesome

So that's it for now, ENJOY!

Sally's POV:
(Y/n) has been grounded for a really long time... I haven't seen her or Jane in a really long time.. I hope their alright. I heard Slendy say something about a girl named Massacre but I don't know who she is, there was another person in the room that said she should be called Blackwish. I don't know who they were talking about but I didn't want to pry. (Y/n) was called down to Slendy's office as Smile walked out, he pat my head and glanced at (y/n)'s back as the door closed then chuckled. I put my ear to the door and heard them talking.
"Now you know what you did was wrong." Slendy said.

"Yes." (Y/n) said, she sounded sad.

"I will let both you and Jane off punishment if you do a favor for me."

"Just me?"

"Yes just you. I need you to go to Dr. Smile and tell him it's time. Do not freak out, let him do what he is supposed to. Bear with it for a while then when he's done come back to me."

"Alright." I heard her start to walk to the door and scrambled to get away.
What was Smile going to do?
Your POV:
As I walked down to Smile's workshop I tried not to think of what he was going to do. I knocked on the door and he opened it, "Well hello! Come in! What is it you need?" He asked cheerfully, I found it odd that he wasn't using my name.

"Slender says 'it's time' and that you knew what it meant." I said getting a bit uneasy at the large grin that appeared on his face. He grabbed the back of my neck and held me still then put an oxygen mask to my face, that sure as hell wasn't oxygen though. I blacked out.

When I woke up my eyes hurt. I tried to rub them but my hands were tied down same with my legs, I struggled and Smile started laughing. "No use, I was told to keep you under anesthetic for the whole thing but then Slender changed his mind and said only the huge changes... Like your eyes there." He laughed. "Poor Toby... He'll be so heartbroken when he hears about this, but well, what Slendy says goes." He laughed again but it was different.. He was enjoying this. I realized I was much paler than before, I was white, like paper white. My eyes felt like they were burning but I had orders, he wouldn't kill me so I didn't have much to fear. I blacked out again.

Yet again I woke up but this time in a bed, I sat up and held my head to try to calm my headache. I stood up and stumbled then grabbed a table a little further away, I looked in the mirror that was right next to it and fell backwards into my ass. I was like Jane almost but my eyes were all black but my irises were red like Ben's, I had black circles around my eyes, and half of my hair was blood red and the other half was pitch black. My nails were black and so were my lips, I started to cry then screamed when I saw I was crying black ooze. Toby ran in but by the time he got there I was in a corner with a blanket over me so no one would see me like this. "(Y/n)?! What is it?! Are you alright?!" He asked as he ran then slid to me. I pushed him away but he grabbed my wrists and took the blanket off, I could feel his eyes get wider. I got up and ran out of my room and to Slender's office. I slammed open the door and saw he wasn't there. Black and white clothing was on his desk along with steam punk goggles and boots. The shirt was low cut and black, the stomach was only covered by lace that looked like a spiders web, it's sleeves went down to serve as fingerless gloves as well. The pants were black and white vertically stripped and they looked tight, the boots went just below my knee and had spiked toes, they laced up. There was a white vest that would expose my stomach on top of the shirt, the goggles were black and there was a white gas mask next to them. I picked up the note:

"Dear (y/n),
I did what had to be done. Dr. Smile is to take care of any problems you have with your new body. You are now called Madame Blackwish. Meet me in the living room for a meeting after you put the clothes I have laid out for you including the mask.

I'm sorry about this.

- Slenderman"
I put the clothes on and the goggles around my neck then put the mask on, I put my hair in a pony tail. I felt a sharp pain in my head and I saw nothing but static. When it went away I couldn't remember anything. I walked out into the living room and saw strange people sitting around staring at me. I saw a boy in a brown hoodie try to run up to me but a tall man with no face grabbed his shoulder and walked to me. He stood behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. "This is Madame Blackwish. (Y/n) is no longer with us. It was for her own good, she broke the rules." He said and let go of me. He handed me a katana that had the name "(Y/n)" engraved into the sword. I put it on my back and he pat my head. "Welcome to the CreepyPasta's." I felt pain as the boy stared at my back, he ran off and a girl with black hair and white skin followed him after pausing to look at me.

Alright that was long but hey it needed to be said. I thought this was a nice twist, you guys get to fall in love with him all over again! Woo! Sorry if you don't like it...

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