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Your POV:


All I remember, is falling... Someone screaming my name... Toby? I looked up and saw him trying to jump off the cliff after me but E.J and Jane are holding him back. I felt so weak. All I could do was whisper his name as I fell. I remember hitting the ground, such a sickening crack, I laid there for a while until the sun came up. Maybe this is what dying felt like... Not being able to move, barely able to breathe, like everything is broken... I slowly opened my eyes and saw someone in all black walk up to me. I was too tired to try to stop them as they picked me up and carried me away. My eyes closed again and I passed out.

When I woke up i was still too weak to move. I slowly looked around the room I was in, it was like I was home. I felt weird. Like I was thirsty but not for water or anything like that... Slender said this would happen... He said at some point I would need blood to survive... Dammit Slender why did you leave me here... I sat up and looked around again, there was a guy in all black sitting across the room. Even his mask was black. His skin was grey like E.J's. He wasn't from the mansion... I slowly stood up and used the bed for support, I have to get out of here. I have to get back to Toby. I thought as I slowly walked towards the door. The guy was asleep from what I could tell, when I got to the door the room started spinning. I fell and tried to focus, the guy woke up with a jolt and started cursing. "Could you not try to escape just yet? You fell from a eight story high cliff, just relax I'm not gonna do anything to you." He said as he picked me up and put me on the bed again, he lifted his mask and I could see his bright yellow eyes and shaggy black hair. "I'm Warren." He said and smiled then put his mask back down. "I'm not from that little mansion of yours. Well I was until Slender kicked me out. Now I live here. You took quite the beating from that Zalgo guy, I wouldn't recommend pissing him off again."

"W-What?" I asked, Slender kicked him out...?

"Yeah I don't know what you four were thinking. He was obviously more powerful than you guys."

"Not that..."

"Ohh! Yeah Slender kicked one of his proxies out, big woop. He said I didn't kill enough or something like that. I killed every three or four days, I'm more of a stalk then kill kinda guy. I can't just go straight in."


"So you're his new one huh? They spliced you, that's new. He's never done that before."

"It was to keep me from Toby..."

"That scrawny dude? You guys together or somthin?"


"Ohhhhh! I get it. Oh! You hungry?"

"I'm just a little thirsty is all."

"I got water, well... Just water."

"No I mean..."

"Oh! I might have some. Let me check." He walked to the fridge and moved stuff around then pulled out a blood pack. "Here ya go! I fix people up all the time so I kinda need these around, I hope O- is ok?" He handed me the pack and I nodded, I opened it and started drinking.

"Thanks..." I put the now empty blood pack down on the bedside table and hugged my knees.

"No problem."

"You talk a lot for a guy who lives alone."

"What can I say? I enjoy conversation." He walked over to his chair and sat down. "I'm going back to sleep, you should too, and please don't try and escape again. If you faint or some shit out there and I can't find you something worse will." He fell asleep and I laid down. At least he won't try anything... He seems too noisy... I fell asleep.

Toby's POV:

She was gone! We went to the bottom of the cliff and she wasn't there! Slender says she can't be dead, so where is she?! Who could have taken her?! I've looked everywhere! She couldn't have just disappeared! I was pacing back and forth in my room as I muttered to myself. I started chewing on my hands as I paced. This was really stressing me out, anything could be happening to her right now! She'd be too weak to put up a fight and I can't help her! I had to find her! I put on my gloves, goggles, and mouth guard and grabbed my hatchets then jumped out my window and started running.

She had to be here somewhere.

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