Working out with Jane. Maybe?

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Sup my dudes? No? Nothing? Alright then, just wanted to say hi.
Your POV:
I was having a wonderful dream of strawberry cake (reference anyone?) when Jane yanked me out of my warm comfortable bed by my ankle. All I did was groan then roll under my bed and start to fall back asleep, "WHAT THE HELL?! HOW DO YOU EVEN FIT UNDER THERE?!" I heard her yell.
"Small." Was all I could manage. I don't usually talk when I'm tired.
"We'll get up. We're going jogging."
"Says who?"
"Says me! Get out from under there and get ready before I get Toby." I groaned loudly then rolled out from under my bed and started getting dressed.

Jane's POV:
(Y/n) has no clue! I knew dragging her along would work! Toby, Ben, Jeff, and Hoodie should be getting ready. I hope this works. I also hope E.J doesn't wake up. I looked over at him and smiled when I saw he was sprawled out on the floor, he wouldn't be waking up any time soon as long as we keep quiet. It's hard to believe it's Halloween already. It seems like just yesterday it was christmas... But this year we were gonna prank her good.

Your POV:
I nearly fell down the stairs six times as I pulled a black hoodie over my head and walked to where Jane was. She was beaming. Alright now I'm suspicious...
1. Jane is never up this early
2. She's never this happy unless she's up to something
I kept all signs of suspicion aside and did my best to act groggy even though I was fully awake now. "Where are we going?" I asked as I rubbed my eye with my sleeve.
"We're just going for a run, you should eat. I'm going on ahead so make sure to catch up!" She smiled as she jogged out of the mansion and into the woods. I looked at E.J then at the door, then back at him. I crouched down then whispered in his ear, "Where's Seed Eater?~~" He shot straight up and bolted out the door. Happy with the fact that I had out witted her I grabbed an apple and started walking.

I had my ear buds in and I was listening to "Vegas Lights" by Panic! At The Disco when a dense fog set in. I ignored it and closed my eyes as I walked, gently nodding to the beat of the music. I should do this more often. The woods where thousands of humans a day get murdered is actually really peaceful in the morning. Go figure. I stopped sensing something was off and looked around, nothing abnormal around me... So... Below? I looked at the ground and saw a bunch of leaves covering a specific spot. I stared at it for a second then walked around it and yelled in surprise when I was blindfolded. I grabbed my attackers hand and flipped him then jumped on him and pinned down his arms with my knees as I took off my blindfold. It was Ben, with that stupid perverted smirk on his face. "If I had known you were the dominant one in the relationship we could have gone a lot further." He said as he continued to smirk.
"That was one time, it was Jane's idea, I was drunk." I said then got off of him and started walking again.

Shivers ran down my spine as I remembered that night in the closet with Ben. Jane had ordered us to play seven minutes in heaven and much to Toby's dismay I had already agreed. I got Ben on my first turn. Me being the slightly tipsy, or maybe very drunk, gal that I was it made things easier for him. I regret it to this day. I dodged as Hoodie lunged at me from behind. "Hoods what are you doing...?" I asked as I helped him up.
"I-I... I-I can't t-tell y-you!" He yelled then ran off into the fog. Oooooookay then? I shook it off and kept walking until I felt something wet move up my neck, I turned around too quickly and ended up on my ass. Toby was hanging upside down in a tree and was currently laughing at me, "You get so flustered! Is that your fetish? I knew it!" He laughed so hard he fell out of the tree.
"S-Shut up!" I said defensively as I felt the blush crawl up my neck to my cheeks.
"Ooooohhhh! The dragon has fangs!" He crawled over to me as I scooted back until I hit a tree then climbed over top of me. "What else does the dragon have I wonder?" He smirked and gently licked my neck again, I got so flustered I pushed him off and took off running into the woods. I had lost the trail and was jumping over fallen trees and ruts, eventually I tripped and rolled into a creek. I laid there for a bit as I felt my face finally cool down. We had done worse... Why did that get to me? The only time I was that flustered was when we did it the first time. I sat up and looked around then sniffed the air, a red trail of floating dust appeared as I stood up then I started following it. It lead back to the mansion, Jane, Hoodie, Ben, and Toby were sitting at the kitchen table when I walked in. I was soaked and ignored them as I trudged upstairs and slammed my door. I had every right to be mad at them didn't I? Jane woke me up at the ass crack of dawn, forced me to go into the woods, I got assaulted by a creepy green imp, Hoodie probably hurt himself when he face planted, and I ran away from Toby. Ok so I'm mad at them for three things and I'm mad at myself for the last one. I took off my hoodie then heard the door open, I looked over and saw Toby. I quickly turned my back to him as he shut and locked the door and I mentally face palmed myself. The blush was coming back. He walked up to me and slowly snaked his arms around my waist from behind, he took my hoodie and tossed it aside as he nibbled on my ear. I squirmed and he chuckled. That's it! He's just teasing me! I turned around and gently pushed him away, he seemed surprised at first but soon he went back to the smirk. It was different... He picked me up and threw me into the bed then quickly got on top of me and pinned me down. "Too bad. You aren't getting away that easy." He slowly and teasingly licked up my neck making me tilt my head back and bite my lip. He pinned my hands down with one of his large ones as the free hand slowly made its way up my tank top. He took it off of me then tied my wrists together. "H-Hey!" I tried to protest but he quickly silenced me by shoving his tongue in my mouth and pressing me into the bed, his tongue started playing with mine and I soon became engulfed by how warm his mouth was. He gently sucked on my tongue making me moan quietly as his hand slowly went into my yoga pants and rubbed me through my panties. I closed my legs as tight as I could but he just chuckled and flipped me over, he pulled my hips up so my ass was in the air then pulled down my pants and panties. "Wait! T-Toby!" Before I could protest any further he slowly licked up my pussy sending shivers down my spine. He leaned over me and nibbled my ear as he whispered, "You can close your legs all you want love, I'll always find a way." He inserted a digit and began slowly pumping it in and out. I started whimpering and he added two more digits and suddenly started pumping really fast. I started moaning loudly as I felt the knot in my abdomen tighten, right before release he stopped. He did this two other times then pulled his hand away and licked his fingers, "That's punishment for running away earlier." He whispered huskily as he licked the shell of my ear and untied me. He kissed me sweetly then kissed my head and left.
Well then...

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