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FedEx finally stopped being a little bitch, I just got my laptop this afternoon. Sorry for the delay, I had to set it up and shit.

Your POV:

Toby was flipping shit. He wasn't talking to me, but I could tell he was losing it. He had told Slendy what was going on... I don't think he was too happy to hear about my dream. We were walking through the woods when I finally got the courage to confront him. "Toby?" I stuttered, "What's wrong? I mean, I know what's wrong, but you seem..." He cut me off with a glare. "I..."

"I'm just..." He sighed. No stutter... His glare softened as he looked down at Radio then back at me, "I'm worried. I don't like Offender being in your head, I don't like being out in the open like this, I don't like the fact that you..." I stopped walking.

"That I...?"

"You're human now, that means you're weaker, that means that your screwed if you get separated from me, or even Radio."

"You don't like the fact that I'm human?"

"No. I don't. It sounds horrible, but when you were spliced you were tougher. I didn't have to watch you 24/7."

"Toby, I hated myself when I was spliced. I looked... awful... I hated the way I felt, I hated the way I saw things... It was like..." I looked at my hands, "I was too careless when I was spliced, I wasn't me. I may have been tougher... but that doesn't mean I was a good person... I want to be a good person, Toby."

"I know... I'm sorry. You're just vulnerable now and that makes me anxious. The idea of you getting hurt is almost too much." I started walking again, I didn't know where we were going but I knew the general direction. I could hear him following me as Radio trotted ahead of me.

We had been walking for hours. The sun was setting, but Toby showed no sign of stopping. I was having a hard time keeping up with him, sleep seemed like it was going to just take over. "Toby!" Radio shouted. My vision blurred then everything went black.

Static. I was floating in static. Muffled whispers flooded my ears. I didn't know where I was or what was happening until I saw him. Offender. His smiled stretched ear to ear as he held his arms out wide. "Hello, doll." He chuckled.

"Fuck no." I mumbled as I tried to turn. I didn't have any leverage. I was just floating in empty space. He chuckled as he walked around me.

"You passed out, you know. I'm getting closer and closer... You won't be able to hide from me much longer." He grabbed my chin and brought me close to his face, "Soon you'll be mine."

"Anyone ever tell you that you obsess over the creepiest shit?"

"No. Anyone ever tell you that you have a smart mouth?"

"Yeah. I'm glad I have one, otherwise I wouldn't be even half as clever as I am now." I tried to get free but he just held onto me tighter and chuckled.

"You should know better."

"This is my dream, asshole." I thought of a black hole, we got sucked into it.

I woke up screaming. Radio jumped into my lap and nuzzled my neck as a way to calm me down, I thought I was going to have a panic attack. She licked my face and began whimpering as I struggled to catch my breath, "Mama?" Radio asked when I was calmed down enough to speak, "Are you alright? You were talking in your sleep. Is everything okay?"

"I'm..." I looked at her, her red eyes were clouded with worry, "I'm fine, love. Don't worry about me. It was just a bad dream. You have them too, right?" I scratched behind her ear.

"I hate bad dreams... They make me feel all twisted... Like my insides are gonna come up."

"They make you feel like you're gonna puke? I know the feeling." I looked around, I didn't see Toby anywhere. "Where's Toby?"

"I dunno. He said he was going to look around but he hasn't been back in a while. I was going to look for him when you woke up... He said I shouldn't leave you but..."

"Well, I'm awake now. Let's go looking for him." I stood up and followed Radio though the woods. The sun was rising making the sky turn purple. I almost got distracted by how pretty it was, Radio stopped dead in front of me, her ears twitching with every possible sound. I stood in silence as I looked around. I couldn't see anything but I knew she could, I looked where she looked and listened to any possible sound. She slowly walked forward, she was hunched like she was stalking something. I followed her closely, stepping where she stepped, trying to move as quietly as possible. Radio dove for something, disappearing into the brush. I froze. "Radio?" I whispered. I was alone. Toby was right, I'm completely defenseless. "TOBY?!" I shouted as loud as I could, I could feel fear rising in my chest as I frantically looked around. "TOBY, RADIO, WHERE ARE YOU?!" I screamed when something wrapped around my waist. It wrapped around my whole body, squeezing tighter, and tighter until everything started going black, "They left you, (Y/N). You're all alone..." Offender whispered in my ear as I blacked out.

I couldn't see anything but I knew I was chained, I could feel the metal collar around my throat. I pulled at the chain but it didn't give. I smelled metal and tasted blood. It was cold. I was in my underwear. I heard nothing. I felt around the floor but felt nothing but metal, it was strange. I followed the chain and followed it to an anchor in the middle of the room. I went to the extent of the chain and walked in a circle. I held my hands out but felt nothing. I couldn't touch the wall, that meant the chain was short. I tried to remove the blindfold but it was like a metal helmet, I couldn't get it off.

Where the fuck am I?

Ticci Toby x Reader .:LEMON:.Where stories live. Discover now