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New info : this chapter was update because writer was high, drunk, I don't fucking know what I thought to send such shit chapter to Internet! Forgive me and see you soon by another unfortunately updated chapters! Yes, another chapters going to be updated as well. I think I will don't like that until 8-9 because I was  sober after that ones. Remaking first chapters while writing pre-last. I am speed

This is Berk.

City of cold, misery and my home. My name is hiccup, well this is my nickname, everyone in this place has one. It's some kind of tradition, something that our ancestors done. Legends says that was supposed to keep away monsters waiting in our forests. My real name is Hailey Haddock, 17 years old and nothing is unusual about me. Typical girl, which is much interested in self-learning, wearing glasses which already are broken in much places, freckles all over face and uncial talent into getting into trouble by my clumsiness.

"Hiccup! We have to go! Hurry up! I can't be late because of yours!" Mannish voicescreamed acrossstairs. I was sure he would been heard on other side of street.

Stephen "Stoic" Haddock, the greatest person you ever will meet. That's what people says about him. Trainer of school hockey team "Vikings", school principal and ex-mayor of city. Great thing, isn't it? Such honour living with such great authority! Not for me, guess who is centre target for every bully in school? And he is still wondering from where these bruises are.

"I coming!" I yelled from my room as I get packed within swiftly move of arm over books, which landed mess alike in backpack. I breathed deeply. Another day in Berk.

As usually our ride to school is quiet, I mean really quiet. It's not hard to guess ours relation daughter-father isn't the best, worst was that everything was caused by hers death. Since my mother funeral we remained silent around each other. Vanessa Haddock died in car accident, which part I was ten years ago. She was person which made this family, basically family. She always knew what to do, how to solve any problem. Only thing she couldn't do was cooking, but who cared. Even so, that was uncle which mostly would cook anyway. After hers death, everything went wrong. I lost only person who understood me, lost my leg in said accident and of course lost good relation with father. As always, losing what I love anyway.

School was for me like a battlefield, everywhere was danger. Whole school found me strange, annoying, useless. I try remain open and happy, think optimistic, but it's getting harder when I'm still reminded nobody cares. Nobody mind. I'm just done. Everyone kept force me into change. Problem is, I don't want to. Public opinion wasn't even much bothered by me anyway, but when you starting losing friends because of it... it might be depressing.

"Hi fishbone!" Boy with dark hairs, blue eyed and leather jacked just throw me against wall. My back gutted by impact, but I wasn't much bothered by it as I was surrounded.

"Snotlout, again? Isn't it getting boring for you?" I couldn't resist by to eye roll, I looked annoyed by presence of my attacker.

Snotlout, Simon Jorgenson, My cousin. He loves reminding me about my problems about myself. School is for him like playground and he is one of biggest kids which would kick sand into it's eyes. Comparison to kids was here indeed important.

"Well H, we just really love~ betting your ass, that's all. What's here boring for you?"

"There is nothing better than some nosebleed at start of the day, don't you think?"

There is Ruff and Tuff, their like second in command for Snotlout, Rachel and Tyler. I sometimes think while labour they supposed to be one organism, but brain snapped at two and both of them was created.

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