To get complicated

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Shmit's black
Week later

This time I got to work in café really shocked me, but it's not because of disappointment but because of truly enjoyment. First days was the hardest ones, but I was prepared for that. There was 'wanting to manager' thing, swearing and treating but I showed people that even when I'm new, I won't let them treat me like that. Beside that I was meet here with some of good people. It's not like that I wanted to get to know my co-workers, but it's because they wanted to meet me, just like Hiccup. In my opinion they still are far from what she was like.

"Hey, Tobias maybe you remember what wanted number 34?" Asked blond girl with brown eyes

"You have it written"

"I lost it. So~ remember it?"

"Seriously? You think I remember every order I get?" I said annoyed.

"Yes?" She said back with a bit of hope in voice. Typical.

"You're lucky that I remember that one, it was cappuccino with croissant"

"THANK YOU, you're live saver" She said, then ran out to kitchen.

One of my new, let's say discover, Sarah but she told me to name her Stormfly. She is fine, her head is where clouds are, far away. It's surprising that she didn't lost her own head from home tho. She seems...okay, she is really friendly and much of fighter, I saw how she started screaming at customer because of his aggressive attitude towards us, me and Astrid.

"Go to kitchen, sink is broken, again and you're only one who can fix it." Said blond girl with blue eyes just behind my back.

"Fine." I answered coldly.

Astrid, it's hers name. I once, just from curiosity, asked Sarah why she is named Astrid. I thought maybe it's nickname and she has some real name but to my surprise it wasn't. It was her name, teachers even calls her Astrid, at least that what she told me. Astrid seems... fine, just fine. I never went with her for full conversation, only moments we talk to each other is when we need something like, 'go to kitchen', 'go to customers' etc. Beside that kind of stuff, we don't talk at all. I don't know, she just seems, wrong.

I went to kitchen and repaired that stupid sink, again. I have experience with fixing things. At home I'm not able to pay of plumber that's why I do it on my own. I'm master in it now. Kitchen, just like Gobber's office looks like trash. If ever health department will get interested in that place and check it out, I'm sure they would close it. Maybe I'm overreacting but I think oil on floor, pan on floor (at least they don't use it) isn't kind of tidy kitchen.
Even if theirs back room, kitchen etc. is far from perfection this place is pleasant. The main room is good furnished, it has feeling for some kind of Viking style, chairs, tables are wooden, much of flora and some decorated shields at walls. I'm happy that Gobber didn't make us to wear some vikings helmets, I don't know if I would stand them. To my surprise this place is kind of popular, much of people is coming here, some adults before work, students with friend for some 'before school meetings', elders for fresh morning coffee etc. I'm happy Hailey recommended me this place, if ever we're going to talk, I have to thank her.

I'm missing her, after our short amount of time together it's hard for me to forget about all of this. I could feel what is like to have friend, someone to talk to, to share moment. This week showed me how much I want her by me, it's not even because of her greatness, but just of her being, I can't explain it, I just want it. But I can't. Promise is a promise, till I won't solve problem with Will, I won't try to fix it, but maybe after that... it's complicated.

About that, I earned enough money to pay half of his depts. It would be just enough if Mister big asshole didn't double it because of his 'charge for time'. For this week I earned something like 300 dollars, for me I don't remember when last time I had that kind of money. Probably when I had much more money before bank decided to rob me. If everything goes well, I will pay him off next week, at least I hope so.

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