To start again

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Rest of week went almost rapidly. Tobias didn't even noticed that it was already 4 days later! Whole argument which he had, or else in which he just snapped at Simon, forgotten as fast as it started. James didn't consider that topic, neither rest of group. They decided on that it shouldn't matter, what happened between these two shouldn't concern them, it's theirs issue with which both boys should get over on theirs own. Of course Sarah noticed that Hailey was into that way more she should, but it didn't bothered her either.

Even so, from whole situation, Tobias decided not to leave hockey team, mostly because of Hookfang's begging. Cedric make sure Tobias would remember him, this 3 days of trainings were that draining that even Tobias would feel pain in his back. Only thing he done past that days was getting up, breakfast, training, eventually dinner and relax at home or just sleeping. He didn't remember when last time he was such tired. Best part? It wasn't with him that bad, for example he heard that Typhomerang's only moment of awareness was at trainings. He would now sleep almost all of time. Cloudjumper of course promised it's only timely, but he could feel that it was terrible lie.

About situation between two forwards, situation between them didn't changed as much as trainer would like it. Toothless was with Sleuther at distance, he didn't attacked him or made mean comments, but he wouldn't talk to him, wouldn't care, just doing his job at rink and demanding from him same. Outside trainings he wouldn't even look at him. Everyone could felt that cold between them but strangest wasn't even theirs behaviour, but behaviour of Simon himself, because he didn't seems to be mad at him at all!

Simon would often make towards Tobias nice comments, compliment his actions, try to help him when he fall. Nobody believed it, not even sole. Despite of it, Tobias didn't get it as kind, but as annoying. It was for him strange that he wanted to help him that much. He didn't believed his words, his helping , he just didn't. It didn't mattered. He knew what he done. He knew that in closest time there wouldn't be any of trust between them, and he should just let go.

Only positive whole situation for him was Hiccup's support. Not only she was almost on every of theirs last trainings, would went with Toothless for breakfast and occasionally dinner, but also helped him, by keeping him as far from Sleuther, as she could. It wasn't that she didn't liked him, he was fine from her, he never was mean towards him, but he wasn't kind for her neither, rather neutral relation. That's why she supported him through that at present, respecting Toothless's decision of not forgiveness.

Monday, everyone would not even care about todays lessons, even teachers, because who would? Today was going to happen ranked starting match between 2 the biggest rivals, Dragon vs Vikings. The lucky ones would talk with their teachers about games, bet between each other which team would be the winner one. The misfortune ones now is having history or math, with their most hated teachers in which even reminding about todays event would start unexpectedly test.

That misfortune ones would be Hiccup and Toothless if it wasn't for Hailey's love towards every lesson and Tobias's... actually nothing there. He is just bored, just like rest of class. So actually misfortune Tobias. So both of them ended both is same bench with Hiccup sitting straight, focused on lesson before hers eyes, and Toothless almost sleeping on his place, or is he?

His tortures were ended by majestic bell, it's sound always was that beautiful or it just because it was bell meaning end of todays worst last lesson? Who knew, maybe both. Immediately afterwards whole class would now get suddenly that much energy to run off class leaving it empty when ring of bell didn't even ended.

"How are you feeling? Are you ready?" Asked Hailey Tobias, while together going to gym halls in which's rink match was about to start.

"Normal, how should I feel?" Asked Tobias, confused by his friend behaviour.

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