To broke apart

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Five teenagers were walking by streets of Berks, every one of them converse with one another. Topics was rather unlike anothers, every different. Boys was mostly talking about Hockey cause in their school was about to get started a competition in which all of teams are going to contest for trophy. Mainly, talking was between Hailey, Hookfang and twins seeing that Tobias wasn't much into that kind of teams games.

What Hailey find out was much rivalry between all of the teams. There were Dragons, Vikings, Berserkes, Defenders and Hunters, odd names but Berk always was like that, she was used to it. Viking and Dragons were one another the greatest enemies, Hunters and Defenders same thing. Only Berserkers never found theirs most hated one, but what Hailey thought was because of theirs crazy appearance and she suggested that everyone is just theirs rivals.
Because of that, there was a lot of conflicts in school, it was divided, but nobody mind it. Much of pranks, jokes and mocking was happening around whole school made rivalry went to another level and there wasn't only competition in playing, but beside it there was trying to make fun of others teams as much as possible. Barf and Belch in this subject was masters.

When Hockey theme ended, group parted at two, Toothless with Hookfang and twins with Hailey. James wanted to confront Tobias, he still was amazed of his job at cafeteria and such boy he was, he wanted to surround himself in best people. It wasn't much of his thing to 'make friends' but knowing Toothless story he had hard to fight himself, reminding himself that 'friendly Hookfang' is just quick change for greatest good.

Tobias was shocked how much they were different and identical at same moment. Both boys could talk about fighting style, hobbies but most surprising, family issues. Toothless learned that not only him had no mother, Hookfang lost his too, but unless him his mother left family. She betrayed husband and left with another men, leaving son behind. James told him that his last interaction mid he could name it interaction' was when at his 18th birthday she send him postcard with just 'happy birthday' wrote at back. He instantly throw it into dumpster. Tobias after getting more confident in his company even said his events with parent getting afterwards understanding smile an pat at back. After that conversation theirs new bond got stronger.
Unlike rest of group Hailey with twins we're talking about situations in school, like a partition in gangs. Both twins showed theirs dislike towards all of school bullying what surprised her. They think that every kind of joke or prank in which used is violence, it's bullying, not joking. Hiccup was rather amazed at theirs posture about this, she thought of them like some kind of stupid jokesters but she was well surprised. Theirs manners persuade them into loyalty, that's why every joke they ever made wasn't random one, but to those who dare to hurt ones which they care about. OR when someone fuck with them.

Long conversation were lasting, when teenagers enter park. Entrance was wooden and at it was big writing 'Bork Park'. Everyone from group was there at least once, but Tobias was never in centre of it. When he came here with Hailey she immediately took him deep into park and passed everything else. First thing they done was walking forward to centre, there was much of playgrounds and outside gyms which was just few training equipment.

Theirs target was little food truck which was not far from all attractions, there were wooden tables and truck itself was mostly unmovable. Tobias noticed lack of people which made him feel relief. Hookfang then called

"Heeey, uncle Frank! How is business goin?"

"Ohh, who is there? My favourite meat eater?"

Seller, Frank as James called him, was rather fat, like really. His hair was ginger as well as his beard, apron was dirty in grease. He was a happy man, smirk wasn't going away from his face. Hailey first thought was how good he would get along with Gobber. Just like 2 drops of same water!

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