To dance and dream

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As time went for both Hailey and Tobias, the day of great ball rapidly came. There wasn't place in school where someone wouldn't talk about it, and he really searched for it. Girls would argue about theirs outfits just so they wouldn't look same, boys would plan bringing alcohol just behind teachers backs. Even teachers planned how to avoid it! Yesterday match in which Defenders left as winners happen, but who cares? What happened yesterday is past now!

Right now, every teenager of well known group would prepare themselves for theirs highly expected day. Frank would stay in front of window, trying to calm himself before now impatient night, same his companion Molly in hers house. Astrid would feel confident as she managed to invite hers crush, in hers blue dress and braid at hers left side, already prepared for everything. Simon, aka. Snotlout would tidy his car just to make everyone jealous about it and probably to impress his companion which nobody expected to be Rachel. Twins, both pair, would plan theirs pranks on upcoming event, as it was perfect occasion to outperform in theirs little war. From them only Rachel would now care about hers look.

What about Tobias and James? Well, in all nerves Tobias would now in James's car with him as driver directing to Sarah's house where both girl, Hailey and her, were expecting them. James looked at him, smirking teasingly, just to annoy or irritate him. Or maybe it was care? Tobias would say no difference, James was truly huge riddle for him.

"Stop looking at me like that." Toothless said harshly, frustrated at his behaviour, sliding into his seat.

James just giggled. "You're looking handsome." He whispered, sure of his words's annoyance, keeping his eyes on road.

"Because of things like that-" He facepalmed and looked at him from beneath his now annoyed brows "-people are thinking we're together. Just shut it already!"

"Tob, don't be like that! You're such nervous, I'm scared you're going to faint! You need reassuring kiss?"

"NO- NO! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" He yelled, trashing around, frighten by his words.

"No, I'm not." He still smirked. "Besides, I didn't told from who that kiss would be." He smirked even wider. Toothless now could feel blood in his cheeks. "Why you're such nervous?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Well, I thought you don't know, feelings." He laughed.

"Funny." He faked laugh." I have AND if I had to be honest, I don't like them already."

"Oh Tob, it's love~. Even you can't escape this~." Hookfang almost sang to him.

Toothless was immediately red at whole face. His face didn't matched it's colour as it was straight. "Don't call me Tob or you're going to earn that black eye. Again." He threatened, crossing his arms.

"You're lucky it disappeared fast. My queen wouldn't be able to control herself if I was, let's say injured at Ball."



"You think I'm scared of her?"

"Don't underestimate her, she is healthier than you think. Besides don't even think about it. I won't stop, TOB~. I lend you that suit-" he pointed at Toothless's outfit. "-but only if I could name you like that."

"For one night..." He added.

"Still, you let me." Hookfang looked at him victoriously.

"Oh, James." Toothless signed, but not in way of James liking it. "I didn't say that would be that night." He smirked.

"WHAT?!" He snapped. "But then which?!"

"Night after I die." Toothless laughed, swapping now theirs expression with one another.

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