To broke

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Marathon day 2,5-3 :

Dear diary, I am at my family meeting and because if it I got extremely bored, besides last chapter got me really excited and I wonder how will it end~ (even so I know how it will end) my fans are probably much excited about that questions because of it's ending. Remember dear readers, LONG LIVE TOOTHCUP. Love you Wattpad, first place at #femhiccup lmaooo

Tobias was furious, extremely furious. It was beyond everyone's understanding how furious he was. From viewers look, it was like he could kill with his eyes. Every person which was now nearby made him room to go, not willing to bother him. They wanted to live. He walked quickly, because of his scary glare his body was giving expression of much bigger. His palms were in fists, his eyes almost like they were on fire, his teeth tighten. In corridor at same look of him there was deep silent. Few steps from him, behind him, Hookfang tried to speed up after him, unfortunately he was moment too late.

Tobias saw his victim. At sight of it fire in his eyes heated up. Everyone looked between them two, absolutely quietness now surrounded them. In moment his victim saw him at first it panicked, then some of it's pride went in it and it stood rather confident. Toothless knew it wasn't truth, it acted to be brave. Truth was that with every step he made towards it, it just shrinked in his eyes. Fear made it smaller and smaller. Eventually when he stood now by it, Tobias over it looked like monster hungry for blood.

"Listen-" Tobias didn't thought twice, just on the sound of it's voice rapidly took it by collar of shirt and throw it against school cabinets. The nearest people would see that cabinet was now curved under the hit of victim's back. Both of them chest were raising, Tobias's slowly, it's rapidly.

Said victim now in fear closed it's eyes, while slowly opening them, it regretted doing so. Tobias's eyes were shining green, but not in pretty way as Hiccup always called them. They shined for murder. His hairs messy, covered bit of his eyes, but that gave him killer state even better. "What have you done." Toothless voice enveloped him. It was dark, cold and harsh. Getting no response yet again he throw it into wall. "What have you done, Asher!"

Asher tried keep his pride, but it wasn't easy when almost foot taller guy, with vicious face stood over you. Eventually rescue came, Hookfang gripped Toothless by back and made him step away. "Tob, calm down!"

Toothless seems to not be bothered by his words. "What have you done." He kept questioning him, while crowd stayed silent, waiting for Asher's words. "You were bragging about that, like a local hero, and now you remaining silent?"

Asher made confident face, trying to prove him his good nerve. Tobias knew what was truth, his lips trembled, his eyes were trying avoiding him, but Asher forced himself to look face to face to him. Toothless felt grip on his arm, at first he didn't react at it, but when hold was tighten he turned seeing Astrid's face. "Leave him alone. Please."

He yet again direct his eyes at Asher, like he didn't registered hers words. "You know what he done. He deserves it."

"Right. He might deserve, but you don't deserve more problems." She exclaimed calmly, looking at hers brother with anger, Tobias's brows twitched.

He sighed. "Fine." Asher let a relief sigh. "But first." He moved again closer to him, standing over him, showing theirs height difference. "He had to say. What. He. Done."

Asher shallowed, his eyes wide in fear. His breathing now was against Tobias's chest. Side to side by Asher stood now white haired girl, holding onto his arm. "You freak, leave Asher alone. I always knew you are insane, but I didn't knew that much!" Bianca exclaimed, disgusted.

"Few day ago you would flirt with me. Shut up." Coldly, that few people closer shivered. Bianca just retreated. Tobias then looked yet again at Asher, which because of his company words became courageous. "Say, what have you done!"

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