To know your story

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Toothless' pov :

My name is Tobias Thomas Night and I'm 18 years old. I'm orphan since being newborn. My childhood was terrible, my whole life was terrible and it's getting only much more terrible and what would cause it? Because, I'm all on my own.

As child I was optimistic kiddo with big plans, I wanted family. My biggest dream was that some people would notice me in tons of different, took me home and I would have my happily ever after... but that never happened. Persons willing for adoptions always were nice for me, we talked, we laughed but for what? To never speak again? As time went I started to understand their unwillingness towards me. I am disabled, I was born without one foot, but was it reason to think of child like of some 'bringing more problems, problem'. I had my own prosthetic since born and they didn't need to invest in me even one solar , I just wanted be loved. Is this that much to want?

At age of 12 I couldn't even believe someone gonna adopt me so I gave up. At talking with interested future parents I started to be repulsive, mean, only because I knew they wouldn't pick me, but some young with blond hair girl or boy, leaving me alone. This was start for my problems with building relations with others.

When I ended 14 years I was transferred to another orphanage, from place in which I was my whole life, I was taken to most disgusting place I ever was. People in there were depressed, in this place was no hope for better future. In this place I learned that survival is more important than FriEnDshIp. There were gangs, but not like in typical school like, 'give me your breakfast, give me your money', no members of gangs always had knifes 'do something wrong, and you're in big trouble'. They fought everyone who they wanted, without punishment because no adult ever cared about us.

In that time I had one friend, I don't remember now his name, but that's because I don't WANT to remember him. For some reason gang took me on their goal, probably because I never do what they wanted and I always commented their doing in ironical way. But how I couldn't when they do such things like punching by accident each other, just idiots. I was their objective number one, when they see me, they attack. But it wasn't even their knife that hurt me most, it was knife of my friend, straight in my back after what he done to me. When I was at my last strength, and I was hiding in place I knew nobody ever saw, my friend for some gang' promise that if he say where I am, they would make him member of gang and he did it. He told them. One of most horrible days. I had to stay in hospital for one week because of loss of blood. That day I knew I can't trust anybody.

At age of 16 some thing change because i started to train, most in woods. Now I wasn't scared of bullies, they were scared of me. Yes, being in forest in night was most dangerous thing I ever do. But that make me stronger, smarter and most important, it made me fearless because if I can survive attack of wolf why would I be scared of some 17 years old idiot.

When I ended 18 it was one of most beautiful days, I could leave orphan. Unfortunately reality hit me with its most powerful punch straight in face. I didn't have any money. I was saving that money my whole life, I get heritage after parents, I was working all weekends just to get good possibilities of living after 18. What happened? Banks happened. For some reason they thought since I am adult now, I had to paid for my card which I had my whole life so it mad really big money and I last with nothing. Worst? I couldn't even sue them because I couldn't afford lawyer. The place in which i am now is terrible but at least able to live in. The only thing I have to do here is working, so it's my house and my work two in one.

"That's right, then see you in 3 hours."

"Yep, that's right"

"But wait, maybe you should stay in home? After what happened?" She said which looked at me with her worried expression.

"Nah, it happened million times. I can handle it."

"If you're sure about it... see you soon."


When she left I couldn't even close my eyes. That whole night was some new experience. Saving Hiccup, she saving me, whole talking about... parents, she even give me a nickname : Toothless, odd one, but it's not that bad, I never had one. And of course her worry, nobody ever in my live ever bothered about me, even sometimes I myself was forgetting about my well-being. For some reason there in woods she didn't left me for sure death from loss of blood, I never was so close to death if I have to be honest. But yeah, of course I told her it wasn't that bad. 'Did I tried to look strong for her? Maybe, I did. But why?' As I thought, their flew onto Hiccup theme. She wasn't such bad, was she? I mean, she wanted to talk to me when nobody else wanted, she cared about me when I didn't cared about her, she helped me by lying about history essay, she fight for me at principal about my innocence when I didn't. And of course she STABBED wolf for me, she could run away leaving me on my own, but she saved me and bandaged me and...

'Wait hold on, it's seems beautiful, but why would you trusted her, you did more for her than she did for you.

'That's not true, the only thing we do was punching so guy which I wanted to punch anyway.

'What if she use you and throw away after she grow bored of you.

'She didn't seems like kind of person who would do something like that.

Two voices was arguing about Hiccup, to be trusted or not. What I knew was that I wanted to get to know Hiccup more.

Who knows, maybe start of something really great.

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