To ice-skating

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There was cold but not Hiccup, not Toothless was bothered by it. Ice rink was big, big enough to place at least 50 people and there was still place for more. It's was build in wood style, only part between ice and wood was a stone one. There was big lamps which was now off but probably by sunset they will be turned on. They all was connected with little lights even when Christmas are far away to be.

"We are lucky, there are barely some people. All rink for us!" Hailey said while going to cabinets.

"BARELY. So there are people sun sun." Tobias acknowledged, with irony.

"Yeah, yeah. Say what you want but I'm gonna ENJOY this ride." She said with smirk on face looking directly at him.

"Why, you're some kind of expert?"

"Well, I'm not but some time ago I was training ice-skating. To get into my fathers team. After they didn't accept me, i just gave up on skating. Still, I'm happy to be here with you, you don't know how much time I waited for someone to ride with." Hailey cheered excited making Tobias smile to her.

'You don't know how long I DID wait' he thought ominously.

Cabinets was rather much of, they were red and there was benches by it. They say together and from theirs backpacks took out theirs ice skates. Both of backpack was as any other people would say, disaster. Hailey's was brown one, it had much of patches, looks like it's has at least 6 years. If people would thought that Hailey's look terrible, they would throw up on Tobias's one. It was black, but it's not know if it was originally black, or it's just that dirty, probably both. As Hailey's much of patches but in his case much more. When they saw each other's backpack, Hiccup with some finger pointing, they smiled with understanding, like crazy creator to crazy creator.

They started to put on skates. Hailey looked at hers, they were black, with white shoelaces, a figure one. She thought about hers baby ones. Her old ones was green, hockey ones probably because of hers family love towards that sport. All of hers good moment at it was brought to her. Hers first ride with parents, their first family match, hers fun with tricks, and even more. Nostalgia came to her, with a one little tear on cheek. Tobias must noticed it as he placed his hand by hers back.

"Everything okay?" He asked emphatic.

"Yes, I'm fine, just get a bit of memorial." She replied with wiping tear.

"What have you thought about?"

"You know, parents thing, the 'we were together and now we don't' thing. Don't worry about it"

"Good one, I always will be worried, you know that right?"

"Unfortunately..." she joked at which both laughed.

Hailey tried to concentrate at putting in hers skaters but was founded with problem, hers prothesis wasn't helping her, she couldn't get it in. Problem wasn't in boot, it was bought for it, but in hers strength. She didn't wore them since long time and they were blocked, she tried to push it though, but even with all her strength she couldn't.

"Maybe I can help?" Toothless after seeing his companion distress asked.

"Probably... thanks" She looked at him with surrender look.

He knelt by her, looked at boot, probably analysed it a bit, then took hers leg and pushed inside. With one big click it all went it. Tobias then looked up to her with proud smile, waiting for hers compliments.

"What would I do without you? You big strong male, with muscles as stone!" She joked and then pretended to be him as she tighten hers muscle.

"Ha ha, funny" with annoyed face he get up and offered her his hand to help her get up.

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