Epilogue : second sequence

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Marathon day 5 :

Dear diary, last day I officially ended updating oldest chapters, I changed 1-7 chapters in way that gave me feeling now they are readable. Epilogue, wow. Who would thought it's end, but we'll there are other stories to write, so only I can say is, I wish you nice reading an see you soon in next histories.


I didn't knew why I felt that.


Strange sensation of coziness.

Can I really wake up?

Won't it destroy everything I thought was just imagine?


I want to be here.

I want him to be here.

Please, let me see him.

Suddenly woke up was guaranteed after sound of shot somewhere around. Hiccup first instinct was to hold onto first thing she would have in hers closest distance. She tried remain calm, she breathed rather deeply, yet there was slight frighten she pushed into back of hers head. Shots, She heard those ones a lot lately, yet every time, her heart would go wild afterwards. Hers eyes still wasn't used to light around her, besides there was dark only around. Where she was even? What even happening? From where those shots were?! Were they far or close?"

Her every scare was now faded as big, strong and gentle arm embraced her, and moved her away from place where sound was hearable. It held her protectively, she felt so protectively. She didn't had idea why was that feeling, but eventually when hers eyes now get used to the darkness, everything was clear. Hiccup raised head at the owner of hand and yesterday's events rushed upon her. The tears, from rather beautiful memory, formed into hers eyes. It wasn't dream. He really is here. Toothless.

Tobias, even so she knew, shared the fears with her, wasn't much now bothered with celebration. She called for him, but he didn't even flinched, didn't even looked at her. Why wouldn't he look at her?She dreamt he would now. Hers question was answered when by next call he tighten his grip, moving her closer to his side, which was farthest from entrance. Toothless focused on it, his head turned into it's direction. The point was to hear every sound, he would find dangerous, point was to keep them safe, point was to keep what was now precious for him. She understood that, remained still, waiting when he made sure, they are able to talk. Until then, she just looked at ground, little embarrassed for herself. They still were hunted by madman, how could she forgot!

Instinctively, sensing hers distress, Toothless started stroking delicately hers back. Even so, he was actually turned away from her, she just could seen his comforting smile. Eventually he seemed grew tired and that position, and turned to her. "There is still dark around, yet we can't stay here by now."

Her eyes went wide just by sounds. He wasn't looking happily or delighted now. But, she knew, she wasn't a problem. He was frighten, scared about theirs position. She couldn't blame him for that, his only intentions were to keep them safe. He let go of her, and she immediately cursed him for doing so. He stood up really slowly, she could notice grin of painful when he did so. He walked around cave a little, trying to get used to new pain of walking with wounded foot. Even so, he was doing pretty well, he still limped, he was able to get around. He focused his sight at entrance, when he did so, she as well, sore, stood up to stay by his side.

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