Back to school

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James' POV

I can't find the boys on the platform so I just hop on the train to find a place to sit. All the compartments I walk past are full, finally I find my friends, and a girl?

"PRONGS! Where've you been?" Sirius yells.

"I couldn't find you guys. Who's this?" I say motioning towards the girl.

"Y/n, this is y/n." Remus says, and I sit down next to her. She's really pretty.

"Nice to meet you. I'm sorry to intrude in your group, but I had no where else to sit." She says quietly but not nervously.

"Your not intruding. I'm James by the way, James Potter."

"I know who you are. Remus told me about all of you over the holidays." What does she mean by that?

I look at Remus confused, "Did he?"

"Yes, I did. You see, y/n and I had an assignment at the end of last year and we got quite close, so over the break we kept in touch."

"Did you know about this, Sirius? Peter?" I ask the other boys. They nod. "Why didn't I know?"

"We will discuss that later. How were all your holidays?" Remus suggested, why'd he change the subject?

"Horrible, as always. Mother and father..." Sirius shudders, "they didn't talk to me, but they were horrible all the same, and Reggie, he's become more Slytheriny, he's not my brother anymore."

"Oh my, are you ok?" Y/n places her hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, thank you. It's good to be back."

"Next year, you're staying with me, ok?" I insist. He nods, and y/n smiles at me. "How was your break, y/n?"

"Umm, it was ok. My parents worked most of the time and my sister was supposed to visit with her family but her 2 month old got sick. So I just spent it alone really." She recalled with a little smile.

"You have a sister? That's cool, how much older?" Peter asks, finally saying something.

"She's 25, 10 years older. And technically she's my half sister." Y/n explains. "How about you Peter, what did you do?"

"Oh! Yes, I just spent time with my family and some muggle friends." He hesitated a bit.

"Well I just sat at home with my parents most of the time, told them all about last year, all our pranks." I put forward after an awkward silence.

Y/n later takes out a sketch book while the rest of us talk about what we want to do this year, pranks mostly. While we're talking I feel a bit of pressure on my shoulder and look down to see y/n's head, shes fast asleep but her book is still open to a drawing of a cherry blossom tree.

I smile at her and look back up to see Remus glaring at me.

"What?" I respond.

"No. You're not aloud to date her. She is my friend and I don't want you hurting her with your obsession with Lily Evans!" He whisper yelled careful not to wake her.

"I- what? As soon as I saw her I completely forgot about Lily. Is this why you didn't tell me about her before? Seriously?" I hissed.

"James, we just don't want you to hurt her. You've been obsessed with Evans since first year, I don't believe that this one girl can change that." Sirius shared.

"You think this too? If you didn't have Moony you would be smitten over y/n just as much if not more and you would act on it! I can't believe you all! But fine, I understand she's your friend and you don't want her to get hurt. But just so you know, I would never hurt her."

After that we just go back to a our normal conversation, and finally we arrive at school.

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now