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Sirius' POV

I never thought I would say this, but I wish today was Monday. I would have to spend the day around people always asking me questions, I know they're just concerned but I'm not in the mood. If it was a school day everyone would be focused on something else.

I've only spoken with Helena a few times over my years at the school. Nobody knew though, until now. Y/n has no reason to tell anyone, and she won't.

Helena had an eventful life, and after her untimely death she was still learning. She has wisdom no one else can imagine. She tells me short stories when I need them like how her mother would put schoolwork before love and had a cold heart, somewhat like what the school tells us.

It makes me see the similarities and differences between Ravenclaw and Slytherin. A wizard who has Slytherins ambition with Ravenclaws intellect and creativity would be incredibly powerful. But the two houses do not have similar people in it. My family is completely obsessed with their own kind, if one was hurt the whole family would be damaged. Ravenclaws have more of a individual sense that one person's damage shouldn't overpower the rest. Gryffindoor is the true opposite of Slytherin.

Y/n and Helena are now in a deep conversation so I find it easy to just slip away. I go to the common room and lay down on the couch. I stare at the ceiling thinking about anything and everything until finally my tiredness overwhelms me and fall into a sleep.

Remus' POV

It's been over a month since the night I found Sirius near the lake. He still hasn't told any of us what happened and I don't think it's our place to ask, if he wanted to tell he would have. He came with us for the full moon this time and nothing bad happened, just as I thought. James is still determined to court y/n and she still wants to just be friends. I like the way she's thinking, it means she will know if she should really go out with him and trust him enough to keep herself from getting hurt. But what if they build this whole friendship and then a relationship ruins it. That would break them.

I finish my homework in the library and go up to y/n's room where everyone is hanging out. When I walk in I see everyone but Peter. But he never really got along with y/n, although she tries to get him to like her. I don't know what's going on with him.

"Hey Babe." Sirius greets me as I go to sit with him.

"Hi, what have you guys been doing?" It doesn't look like they were doing anything, Sirius was laying on the couch and James and Y/n seemed to be having a staring competition.

"Shush, I'm winning." James yells as he starts to tear up, y/n seems unbothered.

"No you're not Prongs." Sirius laughs. Eventually James does blink.

"Damn you!" He yells as y/n jumps on the bed.

"You will never beat me!" She laughs. He stands up off the bed and she jumps onto his back.

"Y/n, are you drunk?" I laugh as she begins whispering in James' ear.

"Of course not." She giggles.

"Girl you crazy." Sirius says, as James puts y/n on the ground and they both start running around the room.

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now