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Y/n's POV

"Ok, we've done the potions and transfiguration work, do you want to have a break?" I ask Sirius who gave me his last piece of parchment to check.

"Yes please!" He yells jumping up. He then walks over to the record player and puts on The Beach Boys. He starts belting out the first song that plays and I just watch thinking 'this is going to be a long night.'

After the whole album has finished Sirius finally sits down.

"What now? And no more homework!" He says. Picking up Remus' guitar.

"You can play something on the guitar I guess." I say and he starts making up a little tune.

"Oh! Let's write a song!"


"Come on!"


"It will be fun!"


"But I'm sure you can write amazing lyrics, and sing!"

"I'm not singing." I state bluntly.

"Please, just sing a little and if you don't like it we'll do something else." He suggests.

"Ugh! Fine!"


"What should I sing?" I ask.

"Whatever you want."

"Erm, oh! Ok. My my, at waterloo Napoleon did surrender, oh yeah, and I have met my destiny in quite a similar way, the history book on the shelf, is always repeating itself, waterloo, I was defeated, you won the war, waterloo, promise to love me forever more, waterloo, couldn't escape if I wanted to, waterloo, knowing my fate is to be with you." I start to sing and when Sirius starts playing the guitar I actually realise it's really fun.

"That was so good! Why didn't you want to sing?" Sirius asks me walking over to me.

"I don't know. Just self conscious I guess." I say.

"Well, you shouldn't be." He says taking my hand and helping me stand up. "Dance with me." He says as he puts his arms around my neck.

"You the girl?" I ask placing my hands on his waist. He nods and starts humming Gonna Sing You My Love Song, by ABBA.

"Hey, can I ask, why Remus is so protective, about you and James? You don't have to tell me." He says and we dance around the room.

"Oh, uhh, you won't tell?" He nods. "A little after we met last year, something happened in the astronomy tower, and he found me on the floor, crying, my clothes were torn..."


"Y/n? What happened to you! Who- are you ok?" It's Remus.

"Oh, no Remus. I'm fine, don't worry." I say though tears.

"No! Tell me what happened!" He begs sitting down next to me and rapping an arm around my shoulder.

"He- my- Lucius..." Is all I could get out.

"He did this? I'm going to kill him! I thought you were happy with him? I should have seen this coming, I could have stopped him!"

"No, it's not your fault. I shouldn't have liked him, I shouldn't have gone on that date. I-" I break down in tears.

"Y/n, this won't happen again. I promise. No one will ever hurt you again." He held me tight.

{end flashback}

"WHAT?! Lucius! I'm actually gonna kill him! He can't get away with that!" Sirius yells.

"I'm over it. Don't bother." I say resting my hand on his shoulder.

"It's not ok! But fine. Just know, James would never do anything like that. None of us would, to anyone." He says hugging me.

"You're the best! Don't tell Remus I said that! You two are equally my best friends." I say hugging him back.

James' POV

We went to the shrieking shack and got prepared for the night. It was weird not having Padfoot there, I wonder what he and y/n are doing.

It's starting, I hate seeing Remus like this, he's in so much pain.

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now