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Y/n's POV

"Hey Bambi, wanna wear my spare jersey, to keep up the act, ya know?" Sirius ask throwing a gold and red shirt at me

"She's wearing mine!" James says taking Padfoots out of my hands and replacing it with his.

"She's not wearing either. Because she's not going. I have to tutor Pandora with Xeno." I state giving James his jersey back.

"Can't Xeno tutor her himself, I need my lucky charm." James says giving me a hug.

"And I need my best friend." Sirius whines.

"Yeah! Wait what? I'm your best friend!" James yells turning to Sirius.

"Oh yeah sorry, I was just trying to convince her." Sirius laughs.

"Well I don't really want to sit there between them because neither of them will actually admit they love each other." I laugh. "I'll ask if he can do it himself." I say leaving. "See you at breakfast! Wait, can't get down the stairs..."

James walks over and carries me down the stairs then I run to the Ravenclaw tower to ask if Xeno can tutor Pandora himself.

"Xeno! Xenophilius! Hey, I have a question. I need to bail on you and Pandora today..." I say when I catch him leaving the common room.

"No, wait why?" He says looking me dead in the eye. "Do you have a date? That's not a good enough reason."

"I have to do something, plus it will give you two some alone time." I give him a knowing look.

"Ok fine! But you owe me." He warns.

"This is me owing you, you're welcome!" I yell after him as he walks away with his friends.

"Shut it y/l/n!" He yells back.

I head to the great hall for breakfast and go sit with Lily and Alice.

"Where are the others?" I ask sitting down across from Lily.

"Sleeping, where are your boys?" Lily laughs.

"I left them, first bit of free time all week!" I say happily. "Alice, you ok?" I ask the girl looking where her eyes are. "Oh... Frank? Someones got a crush!"

"Shut it y/n! And you can't talk, we see you and James!" She whisper yells at me while Lily laughs.

"He- we- be quiet!" I say looking away and taking a bite of my pancakes.

"So how was it babysitting Black last night." Lily asks.

"It was good, he did homework, then we had a d and m. And eventually he fell asleep on the floor." I laugh.

"He did homework?! How did you do that?!" Alice yells astonished. I just shrug and continue eating.

"Speak of the devil." Lily says tilting her head towards the entrance where all four boys are standing.

"Y/n! Can you come?" James yells running across the hall.

"Yes I can, doesn't mean I will." I say nonchalantly.

"You will." Sirius says sitting down next to me, Remus beside him.

"Go where?" Lily asks them.

"She's coming to watch quidditch tryouts." James says sitting on my other side and taking a blueberry from my plate, causing me to slap the side of his head. "What'd you do that for?!" He yells holding his head.

"Mate, you took her food. You had it coming." Peter states and I nod.

"It was just a blueberry!" He yells.

"You don't touch her food!" Alice and Lily yell at him.

"Did he take food from y/n?" Marlene says behind me. We all nod. "Then whatever she did, you deserved." She says patting his back.

"Tryouts today boys! You excited?" Dorcas says sitting across from Marlene.

"You should have seen them earlier." Remus laughs.

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now