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Remus' POV

"What is happening? Where is y/n?!" Lily screams rushing into our room, I see Peter standing behind her shyly. James runs over to open the bathroom door, Lily follows quickly.

We look in the room to find Sirius holding y/n in a hug on the floor, he whispers something to her and she nods as they stand up.

"Everything is fine." Y/n states not looking at me. She walks out of the bathroom followed by Sirius looking around.

"What happened? Are you ok?" Lily asks as we watch y/n sit down on the spare bed.

"I'm fine, you can leave Lily, Peter take her downstairs. Please." Y/n asks, Peter and Lily nod and leave the room, closing the door behind them.

"Y/n. What's wrong?" James asks walking over to her.

"James, I- what did Remus tell you?" She questions taking his hand in hers.

"Nothing, will you tell me?" He asks and she looks away.

"Y/n, do you want me to tell him?" I step in when I see tears build in her eyes. She nods a bit and I look over to Sirius for support. "Last year, y/n went on a date, with someone we won't name, and he hurt her, badly. She didn't think she needed you to know just yet, I only know because I found her."

"And I asked her last night." Sirius adds.

"Who?" Is all we hear him say. "Y/n, who hurt you?" She just shakes her head. "I understand, it's ok. How about we go for a walk, you and I?" He asks standing up and looking at her. She nods and they leave.

"That went better than I thought it would." Sirius sighs walking over to me.

"He knows now. And she'll be ok." I say taking his hand.

"We're great parents." We laugh and I can't resist the urge to kiss him.

Y/n's POV

"You never did answer. Will you go on a date with me?" James asks looking out at the lake.

"James, I really do like you. But we're still so young. Can we wait, and be friends for a while longer."

"Yeah, ok. I understand, we have only really known each other for a week. Come here." He opens his arms with a smile on his face. I embrace him and I feel happy, and safe.

"Oi Potter, whose this?" I hear a boy say and turn around to see a group of Slytherins, which includes Lucius.

"This is y/n, my friend. What do you want, Regulus." Regulus? That's Sirius' brother.

"Want to see Sirius, where is he?" A girl chimes in.

"Not here. You can go now Bellatrix." He says putting an arm in front of me as the girl pulls her wand out and walks towards us.

"Y/n... last name?"

"Why should you know?" I ask looking her in the eye.

"Blood status?" She asks ignoring me.

"I'm a halfblood, my mother is a pureblood." I state and now she seems interested.


"I don't know, we have no connection." I say quietly.

"She was disowned? She is a traitor, as are you, I assume." Bellatrix says and all her friends laugh, except one girl.

"Bella, leave her alone." The girl says.

"Be quiet, Andy! We're just having fun, aren't we mudblood?" That word hits me hard, I feel James squeeze my hand.

"Bellatrix! That's enough, we're leaving!" Another girl says pulling Bellatrix away from me.

"We didn't come here to torment you." Regulus whispers to me as they walk away.

Once they're out of ear shot I turn to James, tears in my eyes.

"That was Sirius' brother, and his cousin's, Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa. The other one was Malfoy, load of pureblood trash." He laughs wiping my tears away.

"Andromeda seemed nice." I whisper.

"Odd one out. Come on, lets go back to the castle." He says and we begin walking back.

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now