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Y/n's POV

I walk down to breakfast early. Not many people are up so it's peaceful. But that quiet is soon broken by loud, fast footsteps behind me.

"Y/N! Do you know where Remus and Sirius are?" I hear James before I see him but he's quickly behind me with messy bed hair and wearing his pyjama pants and a sweater.

"Aren't they in your room?" I ask examining his fearful face.

"No. Last night Padfoot just stormed out and Remus followed him with the map, and we haven't seen them since." He rambles.

"What map? Never mind. Do you know where Sirius would go if he wasn't in a good mood?" I ask him, moving to the side of the corridor as more people walk down for breakfast.

"The lake, maybe. I don't know!" He whines.

"Hey, if that's where you think he might be, let's check." I take him by his hand so not to lose him and we walk out to the tree where Remus and I go.

There they are, holding each other, looking out onto the lake.

"What are you doing here? Why didn't you come back to the room? You must be freezing!" I hear James question as he runs over to his friends.

"Come on boys. Let's get you some breakfast." I say helping the two stand up and walk to the great hall.

James' POV

As we're eating I notice Sirius doesn't look very interested in our conversation but is actually looking off into the distance, towards the Slytherin table.

"Oi Pads, want to tell me what last night was?" I say. I quickly feel a sharp pain on my side where y/n just hit me. "What?"

"Check your tone." She whisper yells to me looking over at Sirius.

"Bambi it's fine. I saw Regulus last night and I just couldn't go back to the dorm." He sighs.

"What did he say?" Y/n ask calmly with a small smile on her face.

"I don't want to talk about it." Sirius says sharply, he then has one last mouthful of his breakfast before storming off.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Moony mouth something to y/n and she runs off after Sirius.

I go to get up but Remus gives me a deadly look so I just go back to eating.

Y/n's POV

I follow Sirius to the top of Ravenclaw Tower. As I'm about turn the corner I hear his voice followed by a ghostly whisper. I stop.

"Sirius, you can't do anything about it. He will make the right decision when it comes down to it." I peak around the wall and see Sirius sitting up against a wall looking at The Grey Lady, Helena Ravenclaw. She seems to be comforting him but when she gets a glance of me she backs away. "Who are you? What do you want?" She points me and Sirius looks up at me with a shocked expression.

"Y/n? What are you doing?" He ask standing up as I step out of the shadows.

"Remus told me to check on you. I'm sorry for interrupting." I say about to leave.

"Girl, you are friends with Sirius?" The Grey Lady asks me, floating towards me.

"Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you." I say not looking at her.

"And you." She smiles. I didn't know she could smile.

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now