Don't wake me

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Remus' POV

"He's waking up, hey babe." I hear Sirius say as I open my eyes. Y/n and Sirius are standing together smiling at me, the other's are probably fast asleep.

"Hi, how was your night, I see y/n is still ok." I laugh a bit but it hurts.

"It was fine, we did some homework, danced, sang, and I told him about last year, in the tower." Y/n says looking between the two of us.

"Oh, did he want to kill him?" I say looking at y/n.

"Yep." She laughs.

"It's good you can laugh about it, but it shouldn't have happened." Sirius says and I nod in agreement.

"Nothing we can do now." She shrugs.

"Will you tell James?" I ask her.

"I don't know, one day I will." She says. "Can we go back to the dorm now?" Y/n asks Madame Pomfrey.

"Yes, and just rest ok?" She tells me, I nod. Sirius and y/n help me up then we walk to our dorm, Sirius carries y/n up the stairs.

"Can I wake them?" Y/n asks excitedly when we see the boys asleep on their beds.

"They'll be grumpy, but go ahead." I laugh and Sirius helps me over to our bed.

"Peter? Wake up. Wake up!" She yells at him.

"I'm up, and when I am awake I'm going to kill you." He says sitting up a little.

"Ok, James now." She laughs walking over to James' bed. "Hey," she says evilly when she gets to the end of his bed, she then grabs the blankets and pull them off him, but he's still asleep, so she jumps onto his bed screaming. He jumps up and we all start laughing at him.

"Y/n! You scared me!" He yells grabbing her and laughs and her squirming.

"S-s-stop it!" She says laugh as he starts to tickle her.

"No, you woke me up, this is the only fair punishment." He says and we all just watch laughing at them.

"No, stop please- haha." She laughs getting away from him.

"You two have a good night?" James asks y/n and Sirius.

"Yeah, we stayed up all night swapping manly stories." Sirius says with a stern expression.

"Because we are the most manly, aren't we sugarboots?" Y/n asks him, not laughing.

"Yes, princess fairy queen." He nods.

"These two are very bad influences on each other." James states.

"That doesn't surprise me, what does is all the completed homework." Peter says looking through the papers on the floor.

"You didn't believe in me?" Y/n laughs with a fake hurt expression.

"How did you make him do homework?" I ask her.

"Reward system, after we finished I let him dance around for an hour." She states proudly.

"We've tried that! You're a witch!" James exclaims.

"Yeah, that's why I'm at the school." She laughs going to sit on his bed and play with his bed head. "Don't you have quidditch tryouts today?" As soon as she mentioned quidditch both James and Sirius jumped up and started getting ready. "Sorry I asked." She mumbles walking over to my bed.

"Come sit, this will be entertaining." I say patting the space beside me on my bed.




"Your shoes are there, Sirius." I point to the middle of the room. "James your jersey is probably under your bed, and your brooms are in the closet."

"Oh, ha. Thanks Moony." They say.

"OH NO!" James yells.

"What now?" Y/n grumbles.

"This jersey is too small, oh wait my good one is in my trunk." He laughs.

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now