Best friend

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Y/n's POV

In almost all my classes there was at least one of the "marauders" and Remus invited me to go on a walk with him after school. I meet him in the courtyard and he brought some chocolate.

"So, Bambi. Do you like hanging out with the boys or are they a bit too much?" He laughs at the nickname and rests his arm on my shoulders.

"They're nice, you and Sirius are really sweet together. And James is... I don't know how to describe him haha."

"Yeah, he's a lot."

"And Peter, I don't know, there's something about him I don't trust, but I get he's your friend and he's nice too." He looks at me weirdly. "Oh no I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said anything."

"Hey, chill. It's ok, I think it's just that he doesn't know you well enough to see how great you are, I mean, James knows you less and he thinks you're amazing, but it's different. Peter's an introvert, like you, and he's extremely loyal." We sit down near the lake, resting on a tree trunk.

"Yeah. Wait what do you mean by James thinks I'm amazing?" I didn't pick up on that until he finished talking.

"Oh, well, he... umm... I don't know...?" He stutters. I laugh.

"Have some chocolate. Then we should get you back to your boyfriend before he thinks I stole you." We both laugh and sit there for a little longer in silence which I then break. "Why do they call you Moony?"

"Oh! Uhhhhh..."

"You don't have to tell me."

"No, I want to. I'm a werewolf... I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore. I'm sorry, I know I'm a monster."

"What? You're not a monster! You're you! You're Remus Lupin, my best friend and then best person I have ever met! Don't say that about yourself." I hug him.

"Thank you, y/n."

"There you are!" Sirius yells as he, James and Peter peek around the tree. "Babe, why are you crying? Baby?" He asks Remus.

"No, I'm fine." Remus insists.

"Y/n, why are YOU crying? What happened here?" James asks as the three of them sit down.

"Nothing we were just talking." I tell him.

"Crying isn't talking, what's wrong Bambi? Moony? One of you has to answer." Sirius declares.

"I told her! Ok? I told her about m- my condition. That's all." Remus explains.

"Oh... ok. Let's go inside it's cold." James says.

We all walk inside together but when I start to go up the stairs to Ravenclaw tower James says something.

"Come with us! We'll play a game with the girls!"

"Oh, umm" I look at Remus and he nods slightly. "Ok?"

When we get to the door, the portrait smiles at me, "hello miss y/n."

"Um, hi?"

"Password please boys, and one of you cover her ears, or don't, I don't mind if she wants to go in whenever she wants."

"Potions" Remus says and the door opens.

"Mary! Lily! Marlene! Dorcas! Alice! We're playing spin the bottle!" Sirius yells.

"Nope, I am leaving." I say turning around but all the boys stop me and force me to sit on one of the couches. All the girls except Alice came down and sat with me.

"Oh hey y/n, they forcing you to play?" Mary asks.

"Yep, I tried to leave but they didn't let me." I laugh.

"Ok, I go first!" James screams taking the bottle from Sirius.

It spins for like 20 seconds before landing on Marlene.

"I don't want to kiss him." She whines to us.

"It's the rules, and apparently we have to play." I say and push her forward. They barely kiss and then Marlene says it's my go. Ugh. I spin and it lands on Remus. "Sirius, may a kiss him because you made the rules and I want to go. Please?" I ask and everyone laughs.

"Yes, but only this once!"

We stand up and look at each other I then feel his hands on my waist and he tilts me down and kisses me. After that I go sit back down laughing with the girls.

"That was a nice kiss, you're a lucky boy Sirius."

"Oh shut up Bambi!"

"Sirius, you spin next." Remus says. He spins and it lands on...

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now