She knows

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Remus' POV

"Wake up baby. You need to see this." I hear Sirius say shaking me awake.

"What is it?" He just points over at y/n's bed where the pillow wall has been destroyed and James is holding her so close, it looks uncomfortable, how are they sleeping. "Yes, I think my plan worked, they're very cute."

"Ok, you can wake them up now." Peter says as his camera starts printing a photo. "I'm making a book for their wedding." He says and the three of us laugh.

"Wakey wakey, come on you two. Get up!" Sirius says trying to be nice at first but then just wanting them to wake up.

"Merlin, what time is it?" Y/n yawns.

"10." I state matter of factly.

"BUT IT'S ONLY FRIDAY! WE'RE LATE!" She yells jumping out of bed making James whine.

"Full moon tonight. We have a meeting with Minnie and madame Pomfrey, but the rest of the day just to make sure everything is set for tonight." Sirius explains to her.

"Oh haha, just one thing... I STILL HAVE SCHOOL!" She yells at him.

"We can explain you missing class. Don't panic." I say getting her to sit down.

"So I can go back to sleep?" She says happily.

"Well, only for a little, you probably need to come to the meeting." I say and watch her flop back down onto the bed.

"5 minutes." She groans crawling under the covers with James.

"Alright." I say and go get dressed.

We let them sleep for another 20 minutes.
"Ok get up now, we meet in McGonagall's office in 10." Sirius says pulling the covers off y/n and James. He has his arms rapped tightly around her waist and her head resting on his chest.

"Ugh." James groans sitting up after y/n gets out of bed.

We all get ready and head to McGonagall's office.
"Hello boys, and y/n? What are they making you do, dear?" McGonagall asks as we walk in.

"I'm babysitting Sirius." She laughs.

"Is he not going tonight?" Madame Pomfrey asks me.

"No, he feels like he can't handle it, y/n will just help him catch up on homework and try to distract him." I respond.

"So she knows? Ok. Y/n will you bring Sirius to the medical wing in the morning to meet Remus there?" Madame Pomfrey asks.

"Yes, of course. I just want to make sure Sirius doesn't panic." She states.

"May I ask why he feels different this time?" McGonagall asks Sirius.

"I don't really have a good reason, I just don't think I would be much help, I am not feeling too great." He lies.

"Oh, well then. I am fine with y/n staying in your room tonight if you need her to, and y/n I will excuse you from all clases today as you are now part of this little team. And I will get miss Evans to bring you the work" McGonagall tells her.

"Thank you, professor." Y/n nods.

"That's all, meet at the whomping willow at 6, and back at the medical wing at sunrise." Madame Pomfrey tells us and we go back to y/n's room to prepare.

"I could use some chocolate." I say when we get into her room.

"Oh same here!" She yells jumping onto her bed. I get a chocolate bar out of my pocket and pass her half while we all sit down on her bed.

"You're gonna make me do homework?" Sirius whines trying to take some of y/n's chocolate.

"Yes! School is important!" She tells him giving him just a little bit of the chocolate.

"Hey! I want chocolate!" James yells and Peter nods.

"Ask him, this is mine." She says pointing to me.

"Y/n!" I sigh giving the two boys a little bit each. We all laugh and sit on her bed talking for a couple of hours.

"You know, I never asked what all your nicknames mean." Y/n states pointing to the three boys running around her room on a sugar high.

"We can show you!" James yells as he begins to turn into his deer form. Sirius follows suit becoming a black dog and Peter a rat.

"OH MY GODRICK! PLEASE GO BACK!" She screams as Prongs walks over and nudges her face. They all go back to their human form and laugh at her.

"Oh, Bambi. Come here." James says pulling a terrified y/n in to a hug.

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now