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Y/n's POV

James and I go straight to dinner and see the boys already eating.

"Good day?" I ask sitting down next to Remus.

"Yeah, you ok?" Sirius asks looking over at me.

"Fine. I met some of your family." I laugh.

"You poor thing, what did Bella do?" He smiles up at James sitting down next to him.

"The standard questions. Until she went too far and Narcissa pulled her away." James says giving me stern look. I just shake my head.

"Of course she did." Sirius groans.

"Your brother seems nice." I blurt out after a few moments of silence.

"Does he?" Sirius says uninterested.

"Yes... can you please pass the potatoes?" I change the subject seeing he is annoyed.

He passes the potatoes and we all just eat in silence.

After dinner I say good night to the boys and go straight up to my room.

Sirius' POV

He is nice. I wish he was still my brother. My stupid parents, obsessed with being evil, slimy Slytherins, Death Eaters. All Slytherins are Death Eaters. I just hope Regulus won't be. He's so nice, he's my baby brother.

I'm so deep in thought a tear I didn't even know I had coming rolled down my cheek.

"Hey, you good mate?" I hear James say as he hits me on the back.

"Hmm? Yeah. Let's do something fun!" I suggest and he nods his head rapidly.

"How about we go to bed?" Remus laughs rolling his eyes at us, he's so cute.

"Nope, when one of us is sad, we prank Snivellus." James announces and we march, arm in arm to the dungeons. He's the best.

I pull out the map as we walk and we find the perfect passage way to Snape's room. James and I decided on turning all of his things black and swapping his shampoo for grease. It's not a big prank, but it's still fun.

We run back to the Gryffindoor common room to avoid being caught by Filch and when we arrive James and I collapse on the couches laughing.

Remus' POV

The boys run in giggling like little girls. I think they are little girls in disguise sometimes by the way they act. Once they clam done I notice James look around the room in confusion.

"Where's y/n?" He asks sitting up and looking over at me.

"In her room. I'm aware this is crazy but did you know she can have her own space?" I laugh.

"Well, yeah." He sighs laying back down.

"We'll see her tomorrow. Don't freak out." Sirius says examining his wand. "And what happened between you two today? Are you going on a date?"

"No." He says and Sirius audibly groans. "Oh shut it will you? I'm perfectly fine waiting for her."

"That's good but if you two spend the rest of your lives like this, I will become miserable." Sirius whines causing me to let out and uncontrollable laugh. "What is sooo funny Moony?"

"Nothing it's just the way you said that." I stop laughing because of the look he's now giving me.

"What's got you all grumpy today anyway Pads?" James ask him as I pick up my book.

"It's nothing. I'm gonna go for a walk, don't wait up." He say sternly as he walks out of the portrait hole.

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now