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Y/n's POV

"So are you gonna wear it?" Remus asks me.

"Wear what?" Lily asks dropping her food.

"My spare jersey." James says.

"It is a little cold today. Ok fine whatever." I say giving in to the boy.

"So cute." Alice sighs dreamily.

"Shush." I laugh. "And you're coming with me right girls?" I ask the others.

"They need to come, to support me. Remus, Peter, you coming?" Dorcas asks.

"Can't, got to do something, don't we Wormtail?" Remus says suspiciously. Peter nods in return.

"What are you doing?" James asks them.

"None of your business, look at the time, don't want to be late do you?" Remus laughs as the two boys and Dorcas run off.

"We'll meet you there!" Lily yells after them.

Once we all finish eating the girls and I walk down to the quidditch pitch and Lily notices something at the entrance to the Gryffindoor stands.

"That must be your jersey, y/n." She laughs as Marlene runs over to pick it up.

"Theres a note!" Marlene yells and starts reading it. "My dearest y/n, my love. I hope you will wear this, my lucky charm. See you soon. Yours forever, James." She says in a singsong voice as the others scream and giggle.

"Oh shut up, you're all so immature." I laugh walking over to take the note and shirt from Marlene. I pull it on over my shirt and we walk into the stands and sit in what Mary says are the best seats.

"It's not even a game and there's Sirius' fan club." Mary laughs when we look around to stadium. There are girls from almost every house with posters and they're all screaming, no Slytherins though. They say he's a disgrace and a blood traitor. It's all so stupid.

We watch the quidditch captain talk to the players for a few minutes then they get put into groups and start playing.

I have never really noticed how good James is, I have seen him play but never really cared about who's playing, more who's winning. But this time I can't take my eyes off him, I see him look over at me and smile every now and then. He's so handsome.

"Y/n? Is she ok? Y/n!" I hear Alice yell and get snapped out of my thoughts.

"Hmm yeah." I mumble still not looking away from James.

"You know other people are playing right? But they don't matter to you, you only have eyes for your lover boy." Lily remarks making all her friends laugh.

"Shut up!" I laugh when they start whistling and cheering whenever James flies past.

We continue to watch the tryouts until it finishes and Dorcas and Sirius come running over to us.

"Where was my cheering?" Sirius whines.

"Didn't you get enough from all your fans?" I laugh as he comes to give me a hug.

"You did really well Black." Lily says. "Y/n wouldn't know though. Too obsessed with a certain chaser."

"Sirius, hey, would you maybe want to go to hogsmede tomorrow?" A Hufflpuff girls says surrounded by her giggling friends.

"Oh, sorry. I have plans tomorrow." He says as politely as possible but she still ends up crying and running away.

"This is why I'm an open lesbian." Dorcas says holding Marlene's hand.

"Hey where's Potter?" Mary asks looking around.

"He went to find Peter and Remus. Do you girls know where they are?" Sirius says.

"No. Let's go look for them inside." I say and start running.

"A race huh?" Lily laughs as she catches up to me. "You're on!" She yells and we both start sprinting. We are pretty much equal the whole way so we ask Sirius who won.

"Umm, well I think maybe it was a tie. Please don't kill me!" He begs and we all laugh.

"Let's check the common room for the boys." Lily says and starts walking.

"We won't join you." Mary says and walks away with the other three girls.

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now