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Y/n's POV

I get dressed and go down to breakfast. On my way I hear multiple voices yelling my name.

"James, Remus, Sirius? What's up?"

"Good morning. What class do you have first? We have Defence Against the Dark Arts." Sirius says.

"Oh, same. But first I want food." I laugh.

"Sameeeeee!" James yells, grabs my arm and starts running towards the great hall.

"Remus! Help meeeee!" I yell.

"Sorry love, we're going to just watch!" Sirius laughs.

"Very entertaining." I hear Remus say to him.

I stop running with James and he turns around to look at me.

"I thought you were hungry?"

"I don't want to run anymore." I cross my arms.

"Well then..." He the lifts me up and throws me over his shoulder and starts running again.

"Wait! No! Put me down right now!" I yell.

"No. I'm hungry." He finally sets me down when we get to the great hall.

"That was hilarious!" Sirius laughs trying to catch his breath. James is laughing too so I just look at Remus who just shrugs.

"Why? Why me?" I sigh beginning to walk to the Ravenclaw table.

"Where are you going?" Sirius and James ask together.

"To my table, so I can eat?"

"Why not sit with us?" Remus asks.

"Erm... do you want me to?" I am very confused. I just want to eat.

"Yep! Come on!" Sirius says grabbing one hand and James the other while Remus pushes me.

"Jeez. I sit with you for one train ride and now I'm not aloud to leave." I laugh as they sit me down at the Gryffindoor table.

"Yeah, that's how we all became friends back in first year." Sirius say.

"Oh no." I mumble.

"Oh yes! You are now an unofficial marauder. We need to give you a name!" James announces.

"My name is y/n." I state.

"No silly, a nickname, I'm Prongs, Sirius is Padfoot, Remus is Moony and Peter is Wormtail."

"Where is Peter?" I ask and they all just look at each other and James and Sirius start panicking.



"Wait what?" I ask Remus.

"He's in the shower, he'll be here in a minute." Remus laughs at his friends.

"Oh thank god!" James exclaims resting his head on the table.

"You people are strange." I tease.

"Your one of us now y/l/n." Sirius laughs patting my head. I frown. "Nope that's not the right name." He takes his hand away. "She looks like she's going to bite me." He laughs nervously.

"Oh! Snappy! That's her name!" James decides. And I go to hit him.

"No, it's not." Remus says grabbing my hand.

"Punchy?" Sirius suggests.




"What's going on here?" I hear Peter asks.

"Peter." I turn to him. "They are trying to think of a nickname for me and I am trying very hard to to beat them up."

"Well it's easy, whats your animagus? Or your patronus?"

"Oh, well I'm not an animagi but my patronus is a deer." I say calmly. Then James spits his water out. "What the heck?"

"A deer?" I nod and look to Sirius who seems to be thinking really hard.

"...BAMBI! That's your name!" Sirius announces.

"Ok. Can I go now?" I ask. "I need to get to class."

"We have the same class. We'll go with you."

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now