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James' POV

Y/n and Remus just kissed and I did not like watching it, I felt mad and jealous even though I know it's just a game and he's with Sirius and he's her best friend but I just couldn't watch. This time Sirius spins and it lands on Mary, she asks Remus if it's ok and they kiss, not like how y/n and Remus kissed, this is like how I kissed Marlene, a peck. Why did Moony do that to me?

"James? James!" I hear Peter say. "You have to kiss Lily."

"Oh, ok." I stand up and look directly at y/n while I kiss Lily passionately. I see y/n look away so I pull away from Lily and sit back down.

"I think I'm gonna go get ready for dinner." Y/n says standing up.

"But the game isn't over, let Peter and Dorcas have a go at least." Lily says.


Peter spins the bottle and it lands on Marlene, they kiss then Dorcas spins and it lands on Mary.

"Can I leave now please?" Y/n begs us.

"Yes, see you at dinner." I say.

"Yeah, sure." She says not looking at me and just walking away.

"What the heck Remus!" I yell as soon as y/n leaves.

"What are you on about?"

"That kiss! Why would you- why!?"

"James, calm down it's just a game, and if I am fine with that kiss, you should be too!" Sirius yells.

"We're just gonna go." One of the girls says and they all leave.

"Well I'm not obviously. And I wish I was. But I- she- why!?" I groan lying back on the carpet.

"Because you like her." They all say.

"Ugh! Please let me date her Moony!"

"Not after what you just did to her, after yesterday when you kept saying you wouldn't hurt her, did you see her face. I can't believe you!" He yells at me. "I'm going to dinner, and if I don't see her there you will pay."

He leaves with the boys and I just lay there on the floor for a while longer. I don't want to go to dinner.
I go up to my room and just sit at the end of my bed staring at the wall until the door opens and in walks Remus with y/n on his back.

"You two need to talk. We will be downstairs. Talk!" He says and closes the door.

"Hey." She says staying at the door and looking anywhere but at me.

"Y/n, look at me, please." I stand up and walk towards her a little bit. "I got jealous, I don't know why, but when he- I just didn't think, I didn't want to upset you, I never want to hurt you." I stand in front of her and take her hand.

"I don't know why I got so upset. It just hurt to watch you kiss her like that, but you were looking at me. You looked mad." She starts to cry.

"Hey, no, don't cry. I shouldn't have done that to you. It was wrong and bitter."

"I'm sorry."

"No, no don't apologise. It was my fault." I wipe away her tears and hug her. "I'm so sorry, love." We stand there for a while, holding each other. "Let's go downstairs, you probably need to go back to the Ravenclaw tower." I say and open the door for her.

"I can't walk on the stairs." She laughs.

"Piggyback?" She nods.

"You guys good now? It's been like 30 minutes. Curfew has past." Padfoot says.

"Oh no, I can't get to my room." Y/n hissed at me.

"You can stay here. Moony and I share a bed so you can have the spare." Sirius says.

"I think she would prefer to stay with the girls." Peter says.

"No actually, I don't know them that well and if you have a spare bed? Could I?"

"Of course!" We all say.

"Piggyback time again." I laugh and she jumps on again.

"Oh, I don't have pyjamas." She realises once we get up to the room.

"You can wear one of my shirts, and shorts if you need." I say.

"Thank you, you are a lifesaver!" She hugs me. I give some clothes and she goes into the bathroom to change.

"You two seem good now." Peter says patting my shoulder.

The four of us got into our pyjamas too, which was just our boxers and all went to our beds to wait for the bathroom to be free so we could brush our teeth.

Finally y/n came out wearing my shirt and shorts that look 4 times too big for her, I mean they're big on me too, and her hair in a messy bun.

"Thank you y/n!" Peter remarks running into the bathroom. We all laugh.

"You sleep in that bed over there." Moony says pointing to the bed closest to me, it used to be where Padfoot slept but not this year.

"Ok, and thank you for letting me stay over, I don't want to get detention in the first week of the year, or any week of the year, can't ruin my streak."

"You've never gotten detention!?" Sirius yells.

"No, and I would like to keep it that way, please." She laughs.

She hops into bed and the rest of us go brush out teeth. When I come back she is already asleep, so I go over and whisper good night to her and hop into my bed. Sirius and Remus walk in giggling so I tell them to shut up and we go to sleep.

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now