Sirius said

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Y/n's POV

The boys are finally ready so we all walk down to breakfast. Remus has his arm around my shoulders and we are talking and laughing about random stuff when we realise the others aren't there.

"They're probably setting up a prank." He laughs.

"Fine as long as it doesn't involve me, let's go eat!" We walk into the great hall and I sit at the Gryffindoor table again.

"So, how did you sleep? You looked comfortable in James' bed." He laughs.

"It was weird having other people in the room. James was comfortable, not that I chose to use him as a pillow, he's very persuasive." I say laughing and looking at my food.

"Do you have a little crush?" Remus says in a silly voice.

"No! Well, maybe, but I know he likes Lily." I say putting my head in my hand.

"He doesn't. Not since 3rd year." Remus says and takes a bite out of his toast, unaware of the butterflies in my stomach.

"Wait, really? Well do you know who he likes now?"

"Yes, in fact I do." He laughs at how excited I got.

"Who? You have to tell me!" I yell.

"Tell you what?" James says behind me.

"She wants to kno-" I start to throw food at Remus
to stop him from talking. "Dude? Anyway she wants to know who you like, Prongs." He continues.

"Oh? I'm not telling." James says sitting down to eat.

"Ugh. Boys are annoying." I groan.

"Tell me about it sista." Sirius says and grabs a piece of toast.

We just talk for the rest of breakfast.

"Bambi! We have first class together!" Sirius yells as we get up to go to class.

"I know. You don't have to yell." I say back. As we're walking he slips one of his hands around my waist and pulls me close. I look up at him and follow his eyes to his ex girlfriend, who also happens to be one of my old roommates.

"Ew." She says as we walk past her and her friends.

We keep walking.

When we turn the corner I look at Sirius with a confused and sorry face.

"Nobody knows about Moony and I. So they don't think I've moved on from her, so I took my chance to show her I'm happy. I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable." He lets go and turns to me.

"I wasn't uncomfortable, I mean I've kissed your boyfriend, and slept in the same bed as your best friend. And that's just been the last day." We laugh.

"Speaking of James, when are you two gonna start dating?" He nudges me. I go quiet. "What, can't you tell, after last night and this morning? Wow, you're oblivious. He really likes you! And I can see you like him too." I smile at the last part.

"No I don't." I lie.

"Terrible lier as well as oblivious. Perfect for Prongsie." We walk into the classroom and he is still laughing.

Sirius and I have every class together today so we walk together everywhere. Holding hands and hugging when needed.

After school, his ex approaches me.

"Do I know you?" She asks.

"Maybe." I say.

"Whatever. You need to stay away from Black. He's mine."

"No, I don't think he is." I say and see the boys walk around the corner, when Sirius see's her he runs over to me, followed by the rest of the boys.

"Hey, love. Elina, what are you talking about?" He asks kissing my head and holding my hand.

"I was just telling this girl to stay away from my man." She says bitterly.

"Your man?" Remus asks, getting mad.

"Sirius, he didn't mean to break up with me. And I know he wants to get back together but she is ruining it."

"Ok Elina, you can leave now. I don't want to get back together, y/n isn't ruining anything, and I didn't even want to date you in the first place." Sirius steps forward.

"Yeah sure. Later loser." She looks at me, and walks away.

"Like to tell me what that was?" Remus asks Sirius sternly.

"Elina thought I hadn't moved on, because I'm with you and we don't want to tell anyone, and so I asked y/n to pretend to be my girlfriend for the day." Sirius explains.

"Did you kiss her?" James asks.

"No." We both say.

"James, can I talk to you?" I ask.

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now