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James' POV

I nod and y/n walks into the courtyard.

"Sirius told me something very interesting earlier today." She state's blankly.

"What did he say?"

"He said that you like me a little." She becomes very shy and looks at the ground.

"Ok. Only it's not a little. I really like you, but Remus has gone into older brother mode and is making me prove myself to date you." I say and she looks up and laughs a little.

"Then hurry up and prove yourself please."

"As you wish." And with that we walk back over to the group.

We go to our common room and see the girls doing homework.

"Enough of that! We're playing truth or dare!" Sirius announces and all the girls sigh.

"Do we have to?" Y/n asks sitting down with Remus on the armchair.

"Yes, and your going first just for that comment. Y/n truth or dare?" Sirius laughs.

"Dare." She says nervously.

"We dare you to sit on James' lap for the rest of the game!" Moony declares and Sirius nods in agreement.

"That's not too bad." She says walking over to the couch I'm sitting on.

"Hey love." I whisper in her ear when she sits down.

"Hi." She whispers back. "Ok, Lily. Truth or dare?"


"Would you ever go on a date with James?" Peter chimes in.

"Oh, thats easy, no." She laughs taking a sip of her water. "James, truth or dare?"

"Dare" I say and Sirius and Remus look at each other and yell.

"Kiss her!" Sirius yells.

"No!" Remus says covering his boyfriend's mouth.

"Yes! Kiss y/n!" Lily declares. I look at y/n and she just shrugs. I lean down and kiss her passionately until Remus walks over and pulls her away from me.

"Not fair!" I whine and y/n laughs.

"I said no. Lily! Why'd you make us watch that?" He exclaimed angrily but we could all tell he was actually happy.

"I didn't know THAT would happen!" Lily laughs.

"Remus, truth or dare?" I ask him.

"Truth... I think." He answers letting go of y/n so she can sit with me again.

"What's the plan?" I ask him and he gets very annoyed.

"The plan is something I came up with to make sure y/n is happy. That Sirius was not supposed to tell anyone about." He says.

"What's in the plan?" Y/n asks.

"Hey! Only one question!" Remus yells.

"Oh, Mary, Marlene, Alice, Dorcas! We have to go help professor McGonagall." Lily remembers and the five of them leave.

"Do we keep playing?" I ask.

"One more." Sirius says.

"Peter, truth or dare?" Remus asks.


"Who is your favourite, out of us?" Sirius asks.

"Erm, I don't have a favourite."

"Ok, we're done." Sirius decides.

"Y/n, get off James now." Remus says.

"No, I don't think I will. I'm quite comfortable here." She tells him and we all laugh.

We sit there for a few hours, y/n and Remus do homework while the rest of us plan tomorrow's pranks.

"Y/n? Do you think you could help us?" Peter asks her.

"Nope. I am not going to be any part of your pranks." She says closing her book and over to sit with me. "But what do you need?" She asks the boys, sitting down next to me.

"You're too far away!" I whine and pull her so she falls with her head in my lap.

"That's all." Sirius says and we all laugh.

"James..." Remus warns me when he see's y/n.

"Come on Moony, I'm not making out with her!"

"You will be the death of me." He groans, "Move your feet." He says to y/n.

"Can't be bothered." Y/n replies. So he lifts up her feet and sits down and she drops her feet onto his lap, making all of us laugh.

"Take back what I said before," Peter begins, "y/n is my favourite."

"She's my favourite too." I whisper to her and she pulls a silly face.

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now