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Y/n's POV

We don't see the boys in the Gryffindoor common room so while Lily decides to go study, we go up to their bedroom. And before we even open the door we can hear James and Remus yelling.

"This was your plan?!" James screams.

"This is how you prove yourself!" Remus yells back.

"And what if it doesn't smell like her?!" James yells.

"Then that's it! Nothing more happens between you two!" Remus states.

"Oh my Merlin..." Sirius whispers opening the door. "Hey, we just got here. What you doin'?" Sirius asks while I walk in.

"Y/n, what do you smell?" Remus asks pushing me over to a mini cauldron in the middle of the room.

"Umm, I smell forest leaves, hot chocolate and smoke. What is this?" I ask turning to see a giggling Peter, shocked James, ecstatic Sirius and happy Remus.

"James, your turn." Sirius announces pushing his best friend up to the cauldron.

"Umm, I smell roses, and parchment and ink." Says smiling at me.

"Ok, Remus what the heck is this?" I yell turning to him.

"Amortentia, it smells different to everyone, it's supposed to smell like who you're attracted to." He smiles. "And you both smell each other."

"So what? We already knew we liked each other." I state and his smile droops a little.

"Now, I think, you are aloud to date, if you wish. I just wanted to be sure."

"That's great! Y/n, will you go on a date with me?" James jumps over and gives me a hug.

"I- I need a minute." I say walking into their bathroom.
I like him, I do, but actually going on a date, and being in a relationship is so overwhelming. I close the door and collapse on the floor.

James' POV

"What was that?" I ask the boys once y/n closes the bathroom door.

"Give her a minute." Sirius says standing in front of the door as I try to open it. "She'll be ok. She just needs to think."

"I need to talk to her. What was that? She knows how I feel about her! Why?" I ramble walking around the room.

"I shouldn't have done this." I hear Remus say to Sirius. "I should have asked her."

"You didn't mean harm." Sirius says holding Remus' hands.

"Why is she upset?!" I yell at the boys, not noticing Peter leave the room.

"Because of last year!" Sirius yells backs.

"What happened last year?!" I ask them.

"Sirius, don't tell him. She said she'll tell him when she's ready." Remus says to Sirius. "You talk to y/n, I'll talk to James." He says and walks over to me.

"Y/n, it's Sirius, can I come in?" He asks knocking on the door. There's no response so he opens the door anyway. I only get a glimpse inside, but I can see y/n on the floor panicking and crying. I try to run over but Remus holds me back and Sirius closes the door.

"What the heck is this?! Let me talk to her! I want to know what's going on!" I yell turning to Remus.

"James, someone hurt her. That's all I will tell you. Right now you need to give her space and let Sirius talk to her." He says calmly.

"Why does he know?!"

"Because she felt comfortable to tell him, and she will tell you when she's ready." He repeats.

Sirius' POV

"Hey, look at me. He won't hurt you." I speak quietly sitting down next to her.

"I know that. He probably hates me now for not saying yes." She cries looking up at me.

"He doesn't, if he hates anyone it's probably me." I laugh and she smiles a little but then starts crying again. "Hey, it's ok to cry, you were hurt, and you're scared. I understand but you don't have to be scared with any of us." I reassure her.

I continue talking to her and trying to cheer her up for a few minutes when suddenly we hear a door slam and Lily yelling.

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now