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Y/n's POV

"Padfoot was the cutest." I state while laying on James' lap. "I'm a dog person."

"Woof!" Sirius yells sitting with Remus at the end of the bed.

"If you two weren't lying down, I could sit on the bed too. But no, I have to drag this chair from one side of the room to another." Peter laughs.

"Rat you could fit, and can't talk, win win." James jokes making everyone laugh.

"So Bambi, after homework what will we do?" Sirius asks, laying down so his head is in Remus's lap.

"Talk? Play a board game? I don't really care." I say as I watched Remus play with Sirius' hair instinctively.

"DANCE PARTY!" He yells scaring both me and Remus, the other two just laugh. "WE'LL BLAST MUSIC AND JUMP AROUND!"

"Good luck, y/n." Peter jokes.

"Why'd I agree to this?" I ask laughing.

"Because you lOvE me!" Sirius declares, swinging his arms around.

"Do I now?" I ask him and he puts on a overly dramatic hurt face and clutches his chest.

"Welp, we're off, have fun you two." James says pushing me off the bed as he stands up.

"Rude." I laugh. "Good luck guys."

"We'll be fine, you're the one who needs luck." Remus laughs as Sirius turns into a dog again. They leave the room and I sit back down on my bed.

"Fine, come here." I say patting the bed after 2 minutes of Sirius' puppy dog eyes and an occasional whimper.

He jumps onto the bed and sits right up near my face.

"You're so cute. Who's a good boy? You are! Yes! Hello doggy." I say in a baby voice giving him ear scratches and booping his nose. After about 20 minutes I get tired of the quiet and ask for him to be Sirius again. He transforms and is now laying on my bed with me.

"I am a good boy, aren't I?" He jokes.

"You're a very good boy." I tell him patting his head as a joke. "Wanna do some homework?" I suggest and his smile drops.

"No, I want you to tell me how in love you are with Prongs." He says.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say but can't help the smile that comes to my face.

"That pillow wall was not there when we saw you two this morning." He laughs.

"That wasn't me!" I state.

"You didn't push him away, did you?"

"I was chilly."

"No, you wanted him to hold you, because you love him, and he loves you!" He yells.

"What did Remus say?" I ask him.

"He thought it was cute, now we just have to wait for one of you to actually ask the other out!" He yells pushing my shoulder.

"Come on, lets go get our homework from Lily and go to your room." Say grabbing his wrist and making my way to the door.

"Hey y/n." Lily says when we go into the Gryffindoor common room.

"Hi, do you have the work. I'm trying to get Sirius here to actually do something." I say pulling him through the doorway.

"Here it is, and good luck." She says and we laugh.

"Everyone is wishing me luck, it can't be too hard." I say.

"Oh, you have no idea what you signed up for." Marlene claims.

"Girls are mean." Sirius says.

"Come on, we'll start with potions." I say leading him to the stairs where he then lifts me up and carries me to the dorm.

"This is so boring!" He groans.

"We haven't done anything yet!" I yell at him when I give him a piece of parchment.

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now