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Remus' POV

James is mad at me but he needs to understand why I feel like this. Y/n has never had friends like this, I feel like I need to protect her.

Sirius went quiet after what James said about how he would act on feelings even if we said not to. Sirius is amazing and I love how caring is but James was right. Before I told Sirius how I felt at the end of last year, he was very much the ladies man and a flirt, and because of that he did hurt some people.

I do somewhat hope that y/n does see James in a more than a friend way in a couple years because Lily doesn't like him and we are all sure he is just putting it on for laughs now. Y/n would be good for him.

After dinner in the great hall we go back to our rooms. Y/n is in Ravenclaw so we don't see her, but we hear about her...

"All I'm saying is that she is so pretty and talented and nice and I want to marry her! I'm not obsessed!" James keeps insisting.

"Talking about Lily again are you?" Marlene laughs walking past with the girls.

"No ACTUALLY. I was talking about-"

"NOPE!" I cut in, I don't want him to cause a seen that will make her hate him on the first day.

"Someone else, really? Well good for me I couldn't stand another year of your date request." Lily says and they all walk away.

James turns to me, "Dude!"

"If she hears about you saying those things, she will think your crazy and never want to see you again. Trust me." I try to reason and Sirius and Peter just start laughing.

"Ok, time for a party?" Sirius suggests.




Of course James wants to party.

"We are going to our dorm, we will unpack, and go to sleep. School starts tomorrow and if you want to see y/n, you'll need to be there."

Crazily that works and we all just go to our room.

Y/n's POV

After dinner I just go straight to my room. I was first put in a room with two girls but in 3rd year I found a passage to a spare room, actually professor McGonagall showed it too me when she realised I didn't sleep well in a room with those two girls. They really are more Slytherins than Ravenclaws, and they hate me for being a half-blood. My dad is a muggle my mums a witch. And my sister, being on my dads side, is also a muggle. But she married a wizard because mum introduced them. It's all very confusing. Their daughter, Sabrina, is a witch I'm sure. She's only 4 but she is magical. Her brother, Alexis is only 2 months so we don't know yet.

I get all my equipment ready for school tomorrow and get into bed.

I'm lying in bed now and I can't get James Potter out of my head. I've seen him on the quidditch field before. I quite enjoy the sport. He is very talented, and attractive, but Remus told me to look out for him, I've heard about his obsession with Lily around school. Lily is quite nice but she has such a large group of friends I can't keep up. That's why I am so happy to be friends with Remus, he knows my limits and will defend me endlessly. And Sirius is great, he's really funny and I feel comfortable to be myself around him. Peter is weird, he can be funny but I feel like there's something off with him.

We got our time tables and I have defence against the dark arts, potions, divination and care of magical creatures with Griffindoor but I don't know if the boys do the same classes. We'll see tomorrow.

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now