Death wish

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Y/n's POV

"Ok, we need to plan for tomorrow night." Peter says.

"It's not going to be any different to and other time. Why do we have to plan?" James says.

"Because this time he's not just my friend, he's my boyfriend, and I don't think I will handle it well if anything happens." Sirius states, standing up.

"But nothing bad will happen." Remus tries to calm his boyfriend.

"Is it painful?" I ask without thinking, I'm lying on my bed using my wand to make little fireworks. "Sorry, I didn't mean that!" I sit up.

"Yes, it's very painful. But nothing bad is going to happen!" He tells me then yells at Sirius.

"I'll meet you in the hospital wing. I'll be there when you wake up." I tell Remus taking his hand in mine.

"I'm not scared!" He yells.

"Then Sirius, what if you stay with me tomorrow so you don't have to witness it?" I suggest and he rapidly shakes his head.

"No, I'm not leaving him!"

"He won't be alone. Peter and I will be there. I think it would be good for you to sit this one out, so next time, you know nothing bad will happen. And y/n needs the company." James reasons.

"I agree. Baby, if you're scared, don't come." Remus says going over to his boyfriend and kissing his head.

"You'll be ok?" Sirius asks.

"Yes. You stay up here with y/n. But no funny business." Remus warns us.

"Babe, I'm not James." Sirius says making Peter and I laugh.

"Oh, I would never leave him alone with her." Remus says.

"You know we're right here, right?" I laugh.

"This doesn't concern you babes." Sirius jokes but when he see's my pretend hurt face he runs over and jumps on my bed. "I'm sorry, you know I wish you and James would get together already, I can't stand his whining." He starts to tickle me but I won't laugh. "Jamsie, take over!" Sirius commands. James walks over and when Sirius walks away, James just lays down on the bed next to me. "Ugh, so boring." Sirius whines when he sees James and I just laying next to each other looking at the ceiling.

"That's enough. He hasn't proven himself fully yet, no dates." Remus says.

"Why are you such a big brother to her?" James asks and I tense up a little.

"She can tell you when she's ready. I just don't want her to get hurt again." Remus tells him.

"Again?" Peter pushes.

"Stop! Can we go to sleep now?" I try to change the subject.

"Where do each of us sleep?" Remus asks me walking over and giving me a hug.

"Umm,  don't really care. Do you two want my double bed?" I ask Sirius and Remus.

"No that's your bed. We can sleep on the single." Sirius insists.

"I'll take the couch." Peter says.

"Well, two people have to share the double, so that's why I thought you two..." I say pointing towards Remus and Sirius.

"Don't want to share with me?" James says, already comfortable on my bed.

"Umm." I look over at Remus who doesn't care. "Ok, but I'm making a pillow wall." I decide. "Now get ready for bed, I want to sleep."

"Ok mum." Sirius jokes and I just shake my head.

We all get ready for bed and I build my pillow wall.
"Good night!" I yell and turn the lights off.

"Pst. Y/n... talk to me." I hear James whisper.

"What do you want, Potter?"

"Can we get rid of the pillow wall? I want cuddles."

"Remus will kill you." I warn.

"I'll take my chances." He whispers and starts moving the pillows. "Cuddle now?" He asks shuffling closer to me.

"You have a death wish." I joke as I feel his arms slip around my waist.

"Night, love."

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now