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Y/n's POV

"I'm hungry!" I yell.

"That's why we're going to dinner!" Peter yells back.

"Can we get to dinner faster?" Remus whines.

"Ughh! Is the full moon soon?" James asks Sirius.

"Oh tomorrow! That's one day! I'm sorry this is such an inconvenience to you lot!" Remus yells at the boys.

"I need the bathroom. LILY!" I run ahead to catch up with the girls. "Bathroom, code red!" I whisper yell at her.

"Let's go!" She says and grabs my hand leading me to the nearest bathroom.

Remus' POV

"Ugh, now the only nice one is gone." I groan.

"Nice? She was just as grumpy as you!" Peter states.

"Is she a werewolf too?" Sirius jokes.

"No it was probably, the lady thing, that's why she had to go to the bathroom." James says.

"Why do girls go to the bathroom in groups?" Peter asks us.

"That's actually a good question... ask a girl!" I say. "Now, food!"

Y/n's POV

"So, you and James? That would be so great, I think really likes you, way more than he ever liked me." Lily says while we wash our hands.

"I don't know how I feel, he's really sweet, and he said he liked me, but I just don't know if I'm ready. And Remus knows, that's why he's so protective." I tell her.

"Hey, look at me. Give him a chance, and if he messes up and is still alive after whatever Remus and Sirius do to him, I will end him!" She declares jokingly and we both laugh.

"Thank you Lily. You're the best, I see why you have so many friends. I just feel so awkward around people." I say giving her a hug.

"Well, you're pretty cool, and you just have to be yourself, people will come and go, and some, like Remus, will stick." She tells me as we walk into the great hall. "Sitting with us or by yourself?"

"I'll sit with the boys, someones gotta keep them in check while Remus is so tired." I laugh.

"Ok, see you later."

"Finally! Why'd you take so long?" Remus grumbles.

"Lily and I were talking. Sorry I left you alone with these." I say motioning to the rest of the boys.

"They are getting on my nerves." He groans.

"We're right here!" James yells.

"Shhhh, I agree Moony, they're very annoying." He nods. "Just give me food." I beg James.

"Ok! Here's your plate!" He says passing a plate with peas and chicken on it.

"Thank you! Was that so hard?" I sigh and rest my head on Sirius' shoulder. They all laugh and I just look at my food.

"What, after all that you're not going to eat it?" Sirius laughs.

"Too tired to lift my arms." I mutter.

"What? Do you need me to feed you?" He asks, still laughing. I nod a little. "Are you serious?"

"No your Sirius silly." I say sitting up and getting a forkful of food into my mouth. "It's cold." I whine.

"Because you didn't eat it sooner!" James laughs. "Just have two more bites. Then we'll all go back up the common room." He suggests.

"Can we go to the Ravenclaw common room?" I say and they all nod.

I finally finish eating and we go up to my common room. I answer the riddle to entre and when we get there it's pretty much full.

"Lets just go to my room." I say and turn to leave.

"What are you doing? Don't we have to go through the common room?" James asks.

"I found another way back in 3rd year." I say and lead them up a passageway through a portrait.

"What on earth?" Remus exclaims.

"Here, this is my room." I say opening the wall with a tap of my wand.

"This is crazy!" James and Sirius say running in and jumping on the couches and bed. Peter walks in too and I pull Remus aside.

"You can come up here whenever you need, ok?" I say giving him a hug.

"Thank you."

I always knew... James x reader x maraudersWhere stories live. Discover now